Sunday, April 10, 2011

Donald Trump : I am only interested in Libya if we keep the oil

Donald Trump : I am only interested in Libya if we keep the oil

Donald Trump : well this is very serious I mean I always take things seriousely but I have never taken it seriousely like this , this is a very serious time in my life I hate what's happening to the country , I wish I didn't have to do it , I wish this country was running so great and I wish Obama was the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln and I wish this was the greatest place in the world , what we are doing is unbelievable if you look what's going on where our jobs are disappearing to foreign  countries where the oil , you going to be paying $7 or $8 dollars a gallon for your oil very soon " ..."it's been a terrible presidency look at Libya , we o in , we do not want to remove Gaddafi but we going to go fight and we gonna do this nobody knows what's happening , it looks like Gaddafi is going to beat the United States ?!?!  ..I am only interested in Libya if we keep the oil , if we do not keep the oil I am not interested ..., I do not know who the rebels are , you know they make the rebels look like some romantic beautiful novel , they're rebels , I hear the rebels are Al Qaeda , I hear they are Iran backed and Iran influenced , where they were getting those weapons before we came along ? from Iran , Gaddafi is going to go around saying he won the war against this country when you asked me what I would do : I am only interested in Libya if we get the Oil .."

I am not convinced that he has one , I have had very smart people telling me Donald stay in the China issue stay in the Saudi Arabia issue stay in the India taking our jobs and the Mexico which is NAFTA which is get off the birth certificate issue , three weeks ago when I started I thought that he was probably born in this country and now I really have a much bigger doubt than I did before , his grand mother in Kenya says he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth , he does not have a birth certificate or he has not shown it he has what's called a certificate of life birth that is something that is easy to get , when you want a birth certificate very much harder to get is not equivalent , a birth certificate is not even close a certificate of life birth is not even signed by anybody , I saw his I read it very carefully it does not have a serial number it does not have a signature , I am starting to think that he was not born here .....he spent 2 million dollars trying to get away from this issue and if he wasn't lying why would not he just solve it and I wish he would , because if he does not it is one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in History are not allowed to be president if you are not born in this country , he may not have been born in this country and I tell you what three weeks ago I thought he was born in this country right now I have some serious doubts , I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they have been finding , I would like to have him show his birth certificate and can I be honest with you , I hope he can because if he can't and if he wasn't born in this country which is a real possibility I am not saying it happened I am saying it is a real possibility much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago then he has pulled one of the greatest cons in the history of Politics ..."

Donald Trump : I would be very happy if Obama produced a Birth Certificate

Donald Trump : Birthers Got Labeled Negatively ,  I would be very happy if Obama produced a Birth Certificate

Donald Trump : I am not convinced that he has one , I have had very smart people telling me Donald stay in the China issue stay in the Saudi Arabia issue stay in the India taking our jobs and the Mexico which is NAFTA which is get off the birth certificate issue , three weeks ago when I started I thought that he was probably born in this country and now I really have a much bigger doubt than I did before , his grand mother in Kenya says he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth , he does not have a birth certificate or he has not shown it he has what's called a certificate of life birth that is something that is easy to get , when you want a birth certificate very much harder to get is not equivalent , a birth certificate is not even close a certificate of life birth is not even signed by anybody , I saw his I read it very carefully it does not have a serial number it does not have a signature , I am starting to think that he was not born here .....he spent 2 million dollars trying to get away from this issue and if he wasn't lying why would not he just solve it and I wish he would , because if he does not it is one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in History are not allowed to be president if you are not born in this country , he may not have been born in this country and I tell you what three weeks ago I thought he was born in this country right now I have some serious doubts , I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they have been finding , I would like to have him show his birth certificate and can I be honest with you , I hope he can because if he can't and if he wasn't born in this country which is a real possibility I am not saying it happened I am saying it is a real possibility much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago then he has pulled one of the greatest cons in the history of Politics ..."

Physical Silver getting harder to find delayed

Silver is more rare than Gold The Sprotts Expect Silver to Keep on Sizzlin ,its more rare we've used all that we have mined and we use more silver in everyday production, yet they try to say don't buy silver .Silver will become a "national security issue" (Planes,Helicopters,Tomahawk Missiles etc. all require a fair amount of silver). If you look at complete amount of silver and Gold including what's in the ground you have 14.5 billion ounces of silver and 8.6 billion ounces of Gold. Most of that silver is not mined but silver as we speak should be at least 600-800 and ounce. That's not even taking into consideration that in 10 years there will be less silver (In and above ground) than gold if you go by the National debt clock. If you go by the USGS Silver will be extinct .

Andy Gause on the Jeff Rense Show

Author and monetary ( Currency ) historian and nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Monetary System Andy ( Andrew ) Gause , author of the books The Secret World Of Money, and Uncle Sam Cooks The Books, What does Andrew foresee in 2011 for : prices of food, gasoline, natural gas, gold, silver , the bottom line is...
As long as we have a money supply that is permitted to be expanded by private banks and politicians at will, then the increase in the money supply guarantees its value will decline over time.As the value of the money we use declines, the price of physical commodities that the money can purchase will rise in price. In other words it will take more of the same paper in the future to purchase the same.

*European crisis manufactured to strengthen the dollar?
*When will U.S. produce needed jobs?
*What is the real story from Jackson Hole meeting?
*How to protect retirement accounts from USG takeover?
*Will gold and silver retreat before moving on?
*Why are Obama's bosses totally confused, or are they?

Robert Kiyosaki : why I dont have a 401k

Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki explains the difference between an earned income and a passive income and why you should not own a 401K , Robert Kiyosaki : “When you put your money in a 401k, it’s earned income when you pull it back out. It goes in as portfolio, but comes out as earned; so it’s the most highly taxed income there is. That’s why I don’t have a 401k, I want as little earned income as possible, but I want as much passive as possible because it pays less tax. I can pay zero tax on passive; fifteen percent on portfolio and earned income I would be in the fifty percent tax bracket. The harder you work for money, the more you are taxed, the harder your money works, the less it is taxed; which is why the 401k is so deceptive.” in a recent interview with the Philippe Matthews Show

James Turk : Why gold is money

James Turk opines on the current gold and silver is super undervalued. We went off the gold standard in 1971 to go to the oil standard.Kissinger made a deal with the Middle East, we would buy their oil if they would buy our treasuries. There was one main oil must be purchased in DOLLARS only. That's why America did save the DOLLAR by attaching it to OIL.Go on Ben Bernanke .print, print, print! There is NO WAY mathematically the US can repay its debt. The hard maths dictate that aside from outright default, the US has no alternative but to continue the Ponzi scheme. 'Crouch and cover'. we are being taxed up to our eyeballs:Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax Capital Gains Tax CDL License Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Court Fines (indirect taxes) Dog License Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon) Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Interest Expense (tax on the money) Inventory Tax I School Tax Septic Permit Tax Service Charge Taxes Social Security Tax

Gold is The only Money says Michael Ruppert

Gold is The only Money says Michael Ruppert , it has alays been since 6000 years ago and people will always turn to gold when the SHTF

gold is money based on the price of crude oil from 1950 to 2010.Money retains is value. Dollars, on the other hand, don't retain their value because Ben Bernanke is printing them like crazy.The US only has about 260 million ounces of gold.

At today's price, that only covers about $260B of debt.

The US national debt is more than $5T foreign debt, $5T domestic debt.

Thus the 260M oz of gold has to be spread over 5T or 10T not 260B.

Thus gold is worth much more than a few thousand dollars.

Going to the gold standard would be a massive transfer of wealth to gold holders and impoverish dollar holders.Nixon took the US off of Bretton Woods to save the last third, which is easy to see would be in the range of 250 million ounces.

Greenspan testified to Congress that the US does not trade in gold's time for people to consider who they are as people and what they value as Americans.

It's time for people to stop identifying themselves by a political party.

it's time for people to prioritize and decide what is most important in their lives

the time to support Ron Pall has passed, and protecting Schiff would be like trolling the internet.

economically, farmers and those who know how to farm will be better off than everyone else.

The USD will soon be the new peso! OLÉ!