Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Recent UFO Activity, Return of Ezkiels Wheel

A UFO fitting the description of Ezekiel's Wheel has been seen recently on numerous occasions. In this awe-inspiring report, Linda Moulton Howe describes some of the sightings, and a witness tells of his encounter with the occupants. After the report, Whitley and Linda have a discussion about what it might all mean, and what the whole UFO/close encounter might be about. Whitley Strieber calls it 'the most important discussion we have ever had on Dreamland,' and when you hear it, you will agree that he's right.

The coming of the UFO represents a true revolution, a fundamental change of life and mind, both for the better and for the worse. A new world is opening its doors to us, and this edition of Dreamland represents one of the first times that the true meaning of what is to come has ever been discussed with this level of coherence and insight.

We have been conditioned to be indifferent to UFOs and to pretty much ignore their message. Listen to this powerful show and break that conditioning once and for all! They are real, they are here, and the message they have for us will shake your soul.

According to the verses in Ezekiel and its attendant commentaries, his vision consists of a chariot made of many heavenly beings driven by the "Likeness of a Man." Four beings form the basic structure of the chariot. These beings are called the "living creatures" (Hebrew חיות khayyot). The bodies of the creatures are "like that of a human being", but each of them has four faces, corresponding to the four directions the chariot can go (north, east south and west). The faces are that of a man, a lion, an ox (later changed to a cherub in Ezekiel 10:14) and an eagle. Since there are four angels and each has four faces, there are a total of sixteen faces. Each Chayot angel also has four wings. Two of these wings spread across the length of the chariot and connected with the wings of the angel on the other side. This created a sort of 'box' of wings that formed the perimeter of the chariot. With the remaining two wings, each angel covered its own body. Below, but not attached to the feet of the "Chayot" angels are other angels that are shaped like wheels. These wheel angels, which are described as "a wheel inside of a wheel", are called "Ophanim" אופנים (lit. wheels, cycles or ways). These wheels are not directly under the chariot, but are nearby and along its perimeter. The angel with the face of the man is always on the east side and looks up at the "Likeness of a Man" that drives the chariot. The "Likeness of a Man" sits on a throne made of sapphire.

The Bible later makes mention of a third type of angel found in the Merkaba called "Seraphim" (lit. "burning") angels. These angels appear like flashes of fire continuously ascending and descending. These "Seraphim" angels powered the movement of the chariot. In the hierarchy of these angels, "Seraphim" are the highest, that is, closest to God, followed by the "Chayot", which are followed by the "Ophanim." The chariot is in a constant state of motion, and the energy behind this movement runs according to this hierarchy. The movement of the "Ophanim" is controlled by the "Living creatures" while the movement of the "Chayot" is controlled by the "Seraphim". The movement of all the angels of the chariot are controlled by the "Likeness of a Man" on the Throne.

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