Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Geraldo Rivera on The Alexones Show ~ Exposes Controlled Media

Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera joins the show to discuss the current gridlock in Congress. Geraldo and the rest of the mainstream media are both to lazy and to vain to challenge the views of those they perceive to be the "cool people". The only reason he is speaking ill of President Obama now is that he is attempting to separate the Democratic party from Obama's ills for the coming election.

1 comment:

  1. inquire ask the germans why they follow HITLER, them you will understand why americans follow the dysfunctional crazy insane warmonger washington government and the zionist lobby AIPAC, etc. so beware planet earth of this new HITLER and its partner ISRAEL.......... and you americans folks don't fall for brainwashing techniques by this dysfunctional government and its israeli lobby.
