Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (1-15-14) Dr. Nick Begich

On this Wednesday, January 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the definition of a modern dictatorship as Obama destroys the American system of checks and balances. Obama has now openly usurped power from Congress, saying that he won't wait on Congress to pass laws and will instead write and enforce his own through executive orders. Alex talks to human consciousness expert Dr. Nick Begich about social engineering, which is what politicians like Obama are using to manufacture consent from the American people for their brazen power grabs. Jakari Jackson and the Infowars crew report on their latest findings on the high radiation across the West Coast and their recent encounter with local police. Alex also takes your calls throughout the broadcast.

Secrets of the Ancient Empires - Trade (Full Documentary)

The common thread that joined all great ancient powers was the need to trade. This episode of Secrets of Ancient Empires explains how trade was carried out across continents long before a single road was constructed. Nor was it only raw materials that were common currency,the program reveals how luxury items such as honey, jewelry and opium were bought and sold across the world via a complex network of trade routes.

Breaking News West Virginia Chemical spill contaminated Drinking Water

Breaking News West Virginia Chemical spill contaminated Drinking Water
300 thousand state of emergency West Virginia residents cope, with days of water woes still ahead after chemical spill

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, January 14, 2014 (Full Show)

On The January 14, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts. News Covered: The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on 'attack,' not video or protest. Kelly Thomas Verdict: Cops Now Have License to Murder. Arizona Reforms CPS after 6,500 cases of abuse go uninvestigated. Supreme Court hands Monsanto victory over farmers on GMO seed patents, ability to sue. Court Deals Blow to Anonymity and First Amendment. Record growth for privacy search engines in wake of NSA revelations. Disabled family loses healthcare

Police Power Run Amuck

Alex covers topics in the news including the acquittal of two police accused of the beating death of Californian Kelly Thomas, the shooting of two people in a movie theater by a police officer and an officer brandishing his weapon at a teenager in a McDonald's drive thru.

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (1-14-14) Josie Outlaw

On this Tuesday, January 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex looks at the slow and steady dissolution of our individual liberty as the Bill of Rights comes under assault by government, the courts and a predatory national security state. Alex covers the Kelly Thomas verdict and the state's message that cops are immune from prosecution and are free to beat, torture and murder citizens. On today's broadcast, Alex talks with Josie Outlaw, a passionate advocate for the rights of the individual in a time when the state increasingly tromps on natural rights and demands unquestioning fealty from its subjects. Josie produced a viral Youtube video in December explaining why citizens need to be armed in these perilous times. The Infowars team files a report from Los Angeles on the continuing story of increased radiation on the West coast in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the corporate media's refusal to report on this increasingly serious health risk.

3 Absurd Reasons for Banning Drugs

Did you know the war on drugs is founded on racist principles? Prof. Stephen Davies shows the historical thought process behind banning drugs. One of the main reasons drugs were banned initially is because people were concerned drug use would lead to interracial relationships. Can you imagine someone making that argument today? Yet it was a principle reason for some of the laws banning drugs that we still have. Other reasons for banning drugs included fear of conspiracies and the misguided notion that the government somehow has a right to the productivity of its citizens. All three of these reasons are truly absurd, but all three were historically used as arguments that contributed to the war on drugs. If these are the arguments on which the drug war is founded, can we be sure it's a war worth fighting for?

Dr. Steven Greer | Aliens, Disclosure, & False Flag Invasions

This week I interview, Dr. Steven Greer, about the current state of disclosure, ET contact, different types of beings they've cataloged, the Earth's quarantine, the possibility of false flag ET invasion simulations, and a ton more!

Monday, January 13, 2014

USA Prepares Radio Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Monday January 13 2014

Frank Underhill - Gold, Silver, Bitcoin at, Trading hard assets for paper promises - and the economy - then John Ragan - Preparedness, Target, Neiman Marcus, Jobs, Unemoloyment, Macy's, Sears - The Financial Mess and Government spying - the news that managed media won't tell you ...

--Date: 01/13/2014
Host: Vincent Finelli
"Everyone all set? Cocked and locked? Here we go..." That is how Vincent starts every broadcast and the same energy is applied to the entire hour of his show. "USA Prepares" aims to: dispel incorrect information about eating habits, dangers of food additives, fluoride, chlorine, and fast food joints, medical prevention and cures, survival economics, preparedness and exposing the lies that keep us form being able to prepare, and much, much more. Common guests include: Frank Underhill Dr. Norman Shealy, Jim Marrs, James Wesley Rawles, Larry Pratt, Dr, Shayne, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Mike Parsons, Roy Birdsong and Maggie Craddock. If you want to know how to buy a farm, raise farm animals, store food, learn the importance of precious metals, or even survive a gunfight, tune into "USA Prepares."

Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu - Mass Pacific Radiation Nears West Coast

Clip from January 6, 2014 - guest Yoichi Shimatsu on the Jeff Rense Program.
Don't trust ANY environmental group tied to the United Nations goal of reducing the World's population. This may answer the motivation of THIS enviro group to ignore the radiation dangers coming via the ocean currents.

Alex Jones Show: Monday (1-13-14) Dr. Richard Davis

On this Monday, January 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the latest on the West Coast radiation and the tensions flaring in the South China Sea. China is preparing to take Philippine-occupied Thitu Island by force with an invasion which will likely start a regional war at the very least. From the other side of the Pacific, physician and chemical expert Dr. Richard Davis, M.D. joins the show to discuss the dangers of Fukushima's high-level radiation which is now on the West Coast. On the scene at the Golden Gate bridge, Jakari Jackson and the Infowars crew report on the public's reaction to how the local media is downplaying this radiation. Alex also takes your calls throughout the broadcast.

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (01-07-2014) Legal Cannabis In Colorado, Global Warming on Ice & More

On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes back to the broadcast fellow radio show host, and friend Steve Stars. The two of them get into a bunch of different topics including: Cannabis being legally purchased in Colorado; Cannabis prohibition; Cannabis health benefits; Climate change; An expedition to prove global warming is real gets frozen in it's tracks, literally; Geoengineering; Another shocking case of police brutality, this time a restrained 100 pound teenager who was shot by an officer while two others held him down in his own home; Obamacare, some of it's effects so far, and more.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday January 12 2014: Alex Is On Fire!!!

Today -
On this Sunday, January 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers reports of not only unusual radiation spikes in the American Northwest, but an unprecedented die off of sea life in the Pacific Ocean along the Oregon coast. New information about increased radiation follows reports that the federal government recently procured 14 million doses of potassium iodide, a compound meant to protect the thyroid gland in the event of a nuclear disaster. Alex also takes a look at a "We Will Resist TSA & NSA Tyranny" 10K Film Contest entry that reveals just how pervasive NSA surveillance is. He covers Obama's declaration 2014 will be a "year of action" that will require additional unconstitutional executive orders.

Giant Squid (Architeuthis) footage, January 27, 2013

This is a spliced video of the key squid footage from Discovery Channel's "Monster Squid" broadcast on January 27, 2013. Thank you Discovery Channel for broadcasting this program. This post is not for profit! I just want to share the joy for all those Ceph-heads out there.

US conducted biological tests in Japan's Okinawa Islands in 1960s

The US military has reportedly conducted field experiments of biological weapons in the Japanese island of Okinawa in the early 1960s.

A Japanese news agency has said such tests were conducted at least a dozen times between 1961 and 1962. It added that Washington released rice-blast fungus over paddy-fields. The report says the US is believed to have had China and Southeast Asia in mind while developing such crop-harming agents. The fungus is estimated to destroy enough rice to feed 60 million people each year. Okinawa was under US rule until 1972 following World War Two. The United States is currently operating a military base on the island.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Marijuana Sales Booming in Colorado

Just one week after cannabis was legalized for recreational use in Colorado, USA, sales have exceeded 5 million U.S. dollars.

Full Story:

Just one week after marijuana was legalized for recreational use in the U.S. state of Colorado, sales have exceeded five-million dollars.

The National Cannabis Industry Association says around 100-thousand buyers have visited marijuana shops, since the landmark legislation came into effect on January 1.

Employee at cannabis shop "Medicine Man", Elan Nelson, says a "vast demographic" of people have visited the store.

[Elan Nelson, Cannabis Shop Employee]:
"This really has been non-stop. No time to take a breath."

Many stores say they have already begun selling out.

Some shops, like 3D Discreet Dispensary, shut down for a couple of days to re-stock, but are now open again.

[Mason Tvert, Cannabis Industry Spokesman]:
"Generally, these businesses are very good at ensuring they constantly have product available. The ones that are doing it right are having new product available every single day, they're just constantly producing. So I don't think it's going to be too much of an issue."

Event Horizons with Dr Robin Falkov 2014 01 10

Dr. Robin Falkov~Doctor of Oriental MedicineDiplomate National Board of Homeopathic Examiners
My focus is educating patients by informing them of the multiple choices available to achieve optimal health. This goal is attained  through regular communication and continuing progress evaluation.  Facilitating their lifestyle changes and encouraging them to take responsibility for their own well being, is the only way to insure successful treatment results.
Event Horizons /w Anchor Dr Robin Falkov Studio A 10:00 AM - 12 Noon EDT

Event Horizons World Team Members - Anchor Dr Robin Falkov, Hyla Cass, MD, David Dunger, Dennis Fetcho, Paola Harris,  Christopher Hussar, DDS, D.O., John Ilias,  Jim Marrs, Maria Payan,  John Trallo, Melanie Vritchan, W. Heisenberg, Dory Hippaulf, Rosalind Peterson, Jonathan Orchard

Jay Weidner - Archons and Rennes-le-Chateau

Jay Weidner joins us on"Shattering The Matrix". He speaks about Stanley Kubrick's involvement in creating the "Faked" Moon Landings. He then puts on his "hat" of modern-day Indiana Jones and begins to reveal things he has not revealed in any Radio Show before! So, you are all getting it for the first time!

He goes in depth into the Archons/Entities that are controlling this planet but he reveals an amazing link to the Nazis, Kubrick, J.R.R. Tolkien, 911 & Rennes-le-chateau! Join us for this amazing investigative journey in discovering what is at the root of the evil on the planet and how it may culminate in a very large False-Flag/Staged Event to get us to relinquish our freedom to the dark forces.

Called by Wired Magazine an "authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions," and "erudite conspiracy hunter, "Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Jay's body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. He is the director of the powerful and insightful documentaries, Kubrick's Odyssey, Infinity; The Ultimate Trip, and the forthcoming feature film, Shasta. He is also the producer of the popular documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey and its sequel, Timewave 2013.

In addition, he is the co-author of The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of..., (Destiny Books) and A Monument to the End of Time(with Vincent Bridges), as well as a contributing writer for the book, The Mystery of 2012.

Dr. Douglas James Cottrell: Mystical and sacred symbols' origin and meaning

This is an audio Deep Trance Meditation (DTM) session by Dr. Douglas James Cottrell set to images and subtitles to help summarize and convey the meaning of the words. If you are unfamiliar with Douglas' work, he is a trance intuitive in the same vein and style as Edgar Cayce. Search on his name for other videos or visit his website ( for further information or to book a personal DTM consultation.

Friday, January 10, 2014

How LBJ Killed JFK: Money, Attorneys, and the Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theory (2003)

Oliver Barr McClellan, entrepreneur, counsel and author, born in 1939 in Cuero (aka Rawhide), Texas, became widely known by his 2003 book Blood, Money & Power on the Kennedy assassination. He has also written on globalization.

McClellan published Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, which became a best-seller in November 2003. In the book, McClellan presents the theory that Lyndon B. Johnson and Austin attorney Edward A. Clark were involved in the planning and cover-up of the Kennedy assassination. McClellan also names Malcolm "Mac" Wallace as one of the assassins. The book includes allegations surrounding the theft of the 1948 Senate election,[1] an Austin murder by Wallace, and a belated grand jury action regarding Johnson in another murder by Wallace. The killing of Kennedy, McClellan alleges, was paid for by oil millionaires, including Clint Murchison, Sr. and H. L. Hunt. McClellan purports that Clark got $6 million for this work, including a $2 million bonus. McClellan notes the conspiracy background disclosed in the book shows how some power lawyers abuse the legal and political systems. Extensive citations are in the book. French journalist William Reymond published a book the same year in which he claims that Cliff Carter and Malcolm Wallace were key to helping plot the murder of JFK. McClellan's book has been translated into Japanese. McClellan is completing the sequel to his first book, which purportedly will disclose what he alleges to be a continuing cover-up, as well as new insights into the Kennedy family.
After McClellan repeated his allegations against Johnson in the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, broadcast on The History Channel on November 18, 2003,[2] former presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter protested, and former LBJ staffers Bill Moyers and Jack Valenti asked The History Channel to investigate the charges. On April 2, 2004, after having three historians examine the charges, The History Channel issued a press release stating that the claim of LBJ's complicity "is entirely unfounded and does not hold up to scrutiny.... [The show] fell short of the high standards that the network sets for itself. The History Channel apologizes to its viewers and to Mrs. [Lady Bird] Johnson and her family for airing the show."[3]
In addition to disclosing the many motivations for Johnson, McClellan states that the assassination of Kennedy allowed the oil depletion allowance to be kept at 27.5 percent. It remained unchanged during the Johnson presidency. According to McClellan this resulted in a saving of over 100 million dollars to the American oil industry. In 1970, during President Richard Nixon's term, the oil depletion allowance dropped to 15 percent. It was not until the arrival of President Jimmy Carter that the oil depletion allowance was removed.

Is Alien Technology Here? | Interview Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project

Abby Martin talks to UFOologist Dr. Steven Greer about his work with the Disclosure Project, an organization that has collected testimonies from over one hundred US government officials concerning the existence of extra-terrestrial life.

Major chemical leak causing panic in West Virginia

Thousands of gallons of dangerous chemicals have been leaking from a facility managed by Freedom Industries in Charleston, West Virginia, and hundreds of thousands of people in the vicinity are being impacted as a result. The governor has declared a state of emergency in nine counties there, and federal agencies have since been dispatched to help make sense of the accident. RT's Meghan Lopez reports live from West Virginia to weigh in on the status of the chemical leak hours after it was first discovered.

Radiation Disinformation at Fukushima | Interview with Mimi German

Abby Martin speaks to Mimi German of about the potential scope of Fukushima's nuclear effect on the US Pacific coast and the disinformation campaign coming out of Japan regarding the levels of radiation.

Trunews January 2, 2014 - Daniel's 70th Week and the Truth About the Rapture

End Time Pilgrim, Dr. Gavin Finley, and End Time Overcomer, James Taylor, team up to awaken the American Church just in time for Daniel's 70th week. Points of discussion include: the Fall Feasts, the restrainer of 2nd Thessalonians, the timing of the rapture, the blood covenant, and the runaway bride.

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday January 10 2014: Dr. Group, Elizabeth Price Foley

On this riveting Friday, January 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex uncovers the latest in government hypocrisy and cover-ups. The State of California is now downplaying the radiation discovered on beaches in California, which are 12 to 14 times above safe levels, as "normal" and not being a threat to public health. Jakari Jackson and the Infowars crew continue their investigation into the radiation in Oregon as Fukushima's dangerous plume begins to reach the West Coast. American legal theorist Elizabeth Price Foley also joins the show to specifically break down how Obama is violating the Constitution and to reveal Rep. Tom Rice's proposed resolution to bring the executive branch to court. Alex also takes your calls throughout the broadcast.

Mars Mission / Brain & Afterlife ~ Coast To Coast Am - January 8 2014

Coast To Coast Am - January 8 2014 - Mars Mission / Brain & Afterlife

Guests:     Ken Johnston, Matthew Alper

In the first half, Ken Johnston, a former NASA Data and Photo Control Department manager, talked about his bid to go to Mars as a participant in the Mars One program (run by a not-for-profit foundation that believes it can send people to the Red Planet much cheaper than NASA). So far in the process, he has moved into Round 2-- a group of 1,058 people under consideration, selected out of an initial group of over 200,000 applicants. His next step is to submit to psychological and physiological tests, and then face-to-face interviews. In Round 3, the field will be narrowed down to 100-200 candidates, who'll then become employees of Mars One and begin their training-- an 8 year process (the mission is slated to depart in 2022).

In 2018, Mars One proposes to send a communication satellite to orbit above the chosen landing site, and then 4-5 unmanned launches carrying various equipment such as rovers, and habitats that the team will need once they've arrived. The plan, Johnston explained, will be to send 10 teams of 4 astronauts each (two males/two females) at two-year intervals, with the first team setting up the initial space, and inflatable greenhouses. While it's envisioned that this will be a one-way trip (Johnston's wife of 30 years supports his decision to participate), the teams will be able to remain in constant contact with Earth, and conduct scientific missions.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to Fix the Economic Recession: Financial Crisis Explained, Background - Paul Krugman (2009)

Governments have attempted to eliminate or mitigate financial crises by regulating the financial sector. One major goal of regulation is transparency: making institutions' financial situations publicly known by requiring regular reporting under standardized accounting procedures. Another goal of regulation is making sure institutions have sufficient assets to meet their contractual obligations, through reserve requirements, capital requirements, and other limits on leverage.
Some financial crises have been blamed on insufficient regulation, and have led to changes in regulation in order to avoid a repeat. For example, the former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has blamed the financial crisis of 2008 on 'regulatory failure to guard against excessive risk-taking in the financial system, especially in the US'.[26] Likewise, the New York Times singled out the deregulation of credit default swaps as a cause of the crisis.[27]

However, excessive regulation has also been cited as a possible cause of financial crises. In particular, the Basel II Accord has been criticized for requiring banks to increase their capital when risks rise, which might cause them to decrease lending precisely when capital is scarce, potentially aggravating a financial crisis.[28]
International regulatory convergence has been interpreted in terms of regulatory herding, deepening market herding (discussed above) and so increasing systemic risk.[29] From this perspective, maintaining diverse regulatory regimes would be a safeguard.
Fraud has played a role in the collapse of some financial institutions, when companies have attracted depositors with misleading claims about their investment strategies, or have embezzled the resulting income. Examples include Charles Ponzi's scam in early 20th century Boston, the collapse of the MMM investment fund in Russia in 1994, the scams that led to the Albanian Lottery Uprising of 1997, and the collapse of Madoff Investment Securities in 2008.
Many rogue traders that have caused large losses at financial institutions have been accused of acting fraudulently in order to hide their trades. Fraud in mortgage financing has also been cited as one possible cause of the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis; government officials stated on September 23, 2008 that the FBI was looking into possible fraud by mortgage financing companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, and insurer American International Group.[30] Likewise it has been argued that many financial companies failed in the recent crisis because their managers failed to carry out their fiduciary duties.

Geopolitical Financial and Military Analysis ~ TIM ALEXANDER / CHRIS HARRIS - Dr Deagle Show 2014/01/09

Dr Deagle Show 2014/01/09 - TIM ALEXANDER / CHRIS HARRIS Tim Alexander - Geopolitical Financial and Military Analysis - Chris Harris - Update on Fukushima and next release of radiation ..

Trunews December 30, 2013 - Brannon Howse and Dr. David Berman

Guest host, Dr. David Berman, is accompanied by Brannon Howse to discuss his latest book, "Religious Trojan Horse: How False Teaching from Neo-Evangelicals, the New Religious Right, and the Spiritual Left Have Invaded the Church to Establish a Coming Religious World Government."

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (1-9-14) Full Show

Alex continues coverage of the danger of radiation from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant reaching California. The Infowars team reports on abnormal radiological readings discovered at Half Moon Bay in San Mateo County, California. The team also files a report from the Humboldt Bay Power Plant in Eureka, California, a nuclear plant that will be decommissioned in 2015. Alex also talks about a report confirming that the Pentagon is stockpiling potassium iodide in response to Fukushima and other stories, including the controversy over a video featuring a toddler spouting racist epithets.

Fukushima Radioactive water causes concern

The Tokyo Electric Power Company is still struggling to contain the Fukushima nuclear disaster that was touched off by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. This autumn, the power company admitted that contaminated groundwater was flowing into the Pacific Ocean at a volume of one Olympic-sized swimming pool every week.A map that shows radiation from the Fukushima plant spreading throughout the Pacific has been circulating on social media. But US officials have said there is no evidence of unsafe fish in the American food supply chain. The effects of the radiation that has been released into the air and water may never truly be known.Al Jazeera's Michael Okwu reports from Fukushima, Japan.

Cop Killer News Story Esoteric Code = Babylon Falling

Rev 18
2 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Are Crack Laws Racist? Racial Bias in Cocaine Laws (1993)

The illegal drug trade is created by outlawing and restricting a good or service, therefore, the mandate and legislative authority of the DEA is the primary cause of illegal drug trading and its surrounding violence. The enforcement of federal drug policy removes every 'drug' scheduled for DEA enforcement from the protection of the open market infrastructure, where information and commerce mutually exchanged from consenting parties are free and protected by free information, contractual obligations, property rights, and disputes resolution are adjudicated under the rule of law. With the removal of the protection under the rule of law; this subjects the good in question into a marketplace of coercion. Mutual exchange is subject to property rights violations by coercion through monopoly of force. It is this type of legal environment, which is known as a black market, the underground nature of these marketplaces makes legal enforcement of disclosure requirements and contractual obligations impossible. With both secrecy and lack of legal contractual obligations, grievances are no longer recognized under the law. With no possibility for legal redress, the participants who wish to engage in commerce may only enforce contractual agreements directly.

The difficulty of direct enforcement in the black market creates a demand for an alternative arbitrator to handle disputes. An arbitrator's desirability is measured by its enforcement capability and legitimacy within the black market. This legitimacy is based on reputation and recognition. Thus, competing arbitrators in black markets attempt to gain reputability through organization. As competing arbitrators attempt to increase their reputation by expanding the territory over which they operate they often bribe or blackmail members of the legal and law enforcement systems in order to continue operation without legal harassment. Since these arbitrator organizations are not legally recognized, organizations materialize in the form of street gangs or organised crime. The DEA essentially cites the arbitrators' means of enforcement, which usually take the form of intimidation, violence and/or kidnapping, as the primary byproduct of the good being exchanged, justifying continued measures to hunt sellers and buyers. Despite criticism for forcing participants into black markets and driving the violence surrounding drug trade by targeting all buyers and sellers, the DEA's position is that the very transaction is the cause of violence, and has repeated on various occasions to have been successful at preventing violence and creating a safer marketplace.
In 2005, the DEA seized a reported $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.[20] According to the White House's Office of Drug Control Policy, the total value of all of the drugs sold in the U.S. is as much as $64 billion a year,[21] giving the DEA an efficiency rate of less than 1% at intercepting the flow of drugs into and within the U.S. Critics of this theory (including recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, Milton Friedman, prior to his death a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) point out that demand for illegal drugs is inelastic; the people who are buying drugs will continue to buy them with little regard to price, often turning to crime to support expensive drug habits when the drug prices rise. One recent study showed that the price of cocaine and methamphetamine is the highest it has ever been while the quality of both is at its lowest point ever.[22] This is contrary to a collection of data done by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which states that purity of street drugs has increased, while price has decreased.[23][24][25] In contrast to the statistics presented by the DEA, the United States Department of Justice released data in 2003 showing that purity of methamphetamine was on the rise.[26]

Reporters Confirm Over 1,200% Higher Than Normal Radiation Levels At CA Beach

Read More Here: has send a group of reporters armed with geiger counters to the Pacific coast to do what the government and MSM should be doing.
Following reports of abnormally high radiation readings on a beach in San Francisco, experts have discovered radiation hot spots measuring 1,400 per cent above normal background levels, although they are keen to stress there is no link to Fukushima.

GERALD CELENTE ~ 2014 Trends/ Bible Prophecy - Coast To Coast Am - January 5 2014

GERALD CELENTE ~ 2014 Trends/ Bible Prophecy - Coast To Coast Am - January 5 2014

Guests:     Gerald Celente, M.G. Michael

In the first half, trends analyst Gerald Celente joined George Noory to talk about economic trends for 2014. One of the big trends for the new year is what he calls the "self sufficiency economy." The US has human and natural resources that are unparalleled, and could be far less reliant on buying goods from other countries, he remarked. The majority of Americans are not benefiting from free trade and globalization, he continued, and their standard of living has declined dramatically since NAFTA and banking deregulations. We may end up paying a little more for consumer goods but we'll earn a lot more for making them, Celente noted. "We need to keep our production and our capacity at home."

In other economic trends, he cited the US government's plan to taper down stimulus money, cutting back around $10 billion a month beginning in March. This tapering will likely lead to higher interest rates, which will hurt the economy, he said, adding that if the interest rate goes over 5%, "you're going to see a real downdraft in the housing market." Celente also suggested that China was facing economic woes with a debt problem, and a "bubble they can't deflate."

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson Ignites A Revolution

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson stared down the powerful forces of Hollywood, and Hollywood blinked! As a result, people are coming out of the closet. But they aren't gay. They are Christians and conservatives. A duck hunter may have fired the shot that ignited a new American Revolution.

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Wednesday January 8 2014: Poison Surrounds Us

Today -
On this Wednesday, January 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News host David Knight breaks down the latest in radiation leaks, mass fluoridation and the government's poisonous atmosphere of distrust. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates now admits that the Obama administration has been "poisoning the well" against military leadership, often showing condescending attitudes towards senior officers. In other news, an electrical engineer simply waved his Geiger counter around at a beach near San Francisco and got a startling reading: 14 times the normal level of radiation. Paul Joseph Watson joins the show to discuss this discovery and the latest developments on the Fukushima radiation leaks. Jakari Jackson and the Infowars field crew give a report on the radiation levels from outside San Francisco. Lee Ann McAdoo also joins the show from Austin City Hall where two patriots continue their hunger strike in protest of Austin's forced fluoridation of the water supply.

North America Colder than Planet Mars

The cold snap gripping many parts of the United States and Canada has brought record-breaking icy temperatures lower than the surface of Mars.
The chill, which has been named the Polar Vortex, has brought in frigid air from the Arctic. The town of Embarrass, Minnesota recorded the lowest temperature in the U-S on Tuesday at minus thirty-seven degrees Celsius. In Canada, Toronto's Pearson Airport temporarily halted ground operations because of equipment freezing and concerns for the safety of airport personnel. Wind chill factors as low as minus fifty degrees Celsius plunged the western Prairies region into a deep freeze.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Richard Clarke on Foreign Oil, Saudi Arabia, and Iran - The Scorpion's Gate (2005)

The Scorpion's Gate is a geopolitical thriller by former United States intelligence and Counterterrorism official Richard A. Clarke. The Scorpion's Gate is his first novel, but it is not his first book — unlike his non-fiction policy books this is an attempt to convey vital foreign policy ideas through fiction. The subtitle on the cover reads: "Sometimes you can tell more truth through fiction." The hardcover edition is 320 pages long.

A coup in Saudi Arabia topples the sheiks and installs an Islamic government in its place. The weaknesses of the new government, combined with the oil riches of the country, attract attention from all over the world as larger, oil-hungry countries attempt to realign the map of the Middle East.

Richard Alan Clarke (born October 27, 1950) is the former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism for the United States.
Clarke worked for the State Department during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush appointed him to chair the Counter-terrorism Security Group and to a seat on the United States National Security Council. President Bill Clinton retained Clarke and in 1998 promoted him to be the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council. Under President George W. Bush, Clarke initially continued in the same position, but the position was no longer given cabinet-level access. He later became the Special Advisor to the President on cybersecurity, before leaving the Bush administration in 2003.

Clarke came to widespread public attention for his role as counter-terrorism czar in the Clinton and Bush administrations in March 2004, when he appeared on the 60 Minutes television news magazine, released his memoir about his service in government, Against All Enemies, and testified before the 9/11 Commission. In all three instances, Clarke was sharply critical of the Bush administration's attitude toward counter-terrorism before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and of the decision to go to war with Iraq. Following Clarke's strong criticisms of the Bush administration, Bush administration officials and other Republicans attempted to discredit him or rebut his criticisms, making Clarke a controversial figure.

Underground Bases & Tunnels ~ -- with Richard Sauder - The Plane Truth

What is the Machine? -- with Richard Sauder - The Plane Truth ~ - PTS 3082 . 2014 01~07 Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: The Plane Truth on TMRN Radio

Driverless Cars are the Future

In 2014, the race is on to bring a driverless car to the masses. Google's driverless car has already logged thousands of miles, but all the major car makers are also getting into the game. Some are hoping to make an affordable autonomous car in the next few years. RT's Ramon Galindo shows us some of the driverless technology already in use today.

BREAKING NEWS ALIEN DISCLOSURE By Canadian Minister of Defence MAY 2013

Astronaut Scott Carpenter "At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs." ~ Astronaut Scott Carpenter - Carpenter photographed a UFO while in orbit on May 24, 1962. NASA still has not released the photograph to the public

Vitamins: A Multi-Billion Dollar Scam?

A series of recent medical studies conclude that vitamin supplements have no proven health benefits. An editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine says most supplements are unnecessary, fail to prevent chronic disease and may even have negative health effects. RT correspondent Liz Wahl has more on the multibillion dollar industry that has half of Americans hooked.

Next Generation of 3D Printers from MakerBot ~ CES 2014

MakerBot has introduced a new line of 3D printers for both consumer and business use. Its largest, high-end model could drastically cut the cost to businesses that use 3D printers. WSJ's Jason Bellini reports.

Alex Jones Show - Commercial Free Podcast: Tuesday (1-7-13) William Jasper & Dr. Christopher Busby

On this Tuesday, January 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the Fukushima radioactive ocean plume making its way toward the West coast of the United States. Officialdom in California remains perplexed by an increase of radiation and has downplayed its significance. Alex also takes a look at a call from the corporatist media for Obama to dispense with Congress, the Constitution and the American people and demand he instead rule by decree like a Roman autocrat. On today's show, Alex talks with Dr. Christopher Busby, a director of Green Audit Limited and a visiting professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Ulster. Dr. Busby talks about the growing threat of Fukushima radiation. Alex also welcomes back to the program William F. Jasper, a researcher, author and editor of The New American. Jasper talks about transatlantic convergence and the under the radar threat of a globalist contrived Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Infowars Nightly News reporter Lee Ann McAdoo files a report from outside the Austin, Texas city council where anti-fluoride activists are holding a hunger strike.

Gerald Celente 2014 Predictions: Global Financial/Economic Crisis, Gold Prices & War

Gerald Celente 2014 Predictions: Global Financial/Economic Crisis, Gold Prices & War People have tried (with varying success) to predict the future, from soothsayers to reading tea leaves, from Nostradamus to calling Miss Cleo. But one man, Gerald Celente, has made a career out of forecasting trends as the founder of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of "Trends Journal." RT's Anastasia Churkina sits down with Celente to talk about his predictions for 2014.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Janet Yellen confirmed as Fed's first female chair

Janet Yellen has been confirmed as the first female Federal Reserve chair. She sailed through the Senate confirmation process, thanks in part to Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) invoking the "nuclear option," making it significantly easier to pass judicial and executive branch nominees. With only 56 senators voting in favor of Janet Yellen, she would not have had the votes necessary to be confirmed if the Senate confirmation rules were not changed. Janet Yellen is the first major executive branch nominee to be confirmed since these rules were changed. RT's Perianne Boring takes a look at the confirmation process of the most powerful woman in finance.

Government Says Radiation Not Harmful

Alex continues with the news that Fukushima radiation has arrived on US shores while the Government increases allowable radiation and says there is no threat.

Polar Vortex hits U.S. with dangerously low temperatures

A cyclone of arctic air known as a polar vortex stretched from the Dakotas to the deep South, bringing wind chill warnings on the heels of near-blizzard conditions in some regions. Several Midwest states shut schools and urged everyone to stay inside, while airlines canceled thousands of flights. Gwen Ifill reports.

Christopher Hitchens on the Writing of Saul Bellow and Race Relations (2007)

Saul Bellow (June 10, 1915 -- April 5, 2005) was a Canadian-born American writer. For his literary contributions, Bellow was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal of Arts. He is the only writer to win the National Book Award for Fiction three times and he received the Foundation's lifetime Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters in 1990.

In the words of the Swedish Nobel Committee, his writing exhibited "the mixture of rich picaresque novel and subtle analysis of our culture, of entertaining adventure, drastic and tragic episodes in quick succession interspersed with philosophic conversation, all developed by a commentator with a witty tongue and penetrating insight into the outer and inner complications that drive us to act, or prevent us from acting, and that can be called the dilemma of our age."[5] His best-known works include The Adventures of Augie March, Henderson the Rain King, Herzog, Mr. Sammler's Planet, Seize the Day, Humboldt's Gift and Ravelstein. Widely regarded as one of the 20th century's greatest authors, Bellow has had a "huge literary influence."[6]

Bellow said that of all his characters Eugene Henderson, of "Henderson the Rain King," was the one most like himself.[7] Bellow grew up as an insolent slum kid, a "thick-necked" rowdy, and an immigrant from Quebec. As Christopher Hitchens describes it, Bellow's fiction and principal characters reflect his own yearning for transcendence, a battle "to overcome not just ghetto conditions but also ghetto psychoses." [8] [9]Bellow's protagonists, in one shape or another, all wrestle with what Corde (Albert Corde, the dean in "The Dean's December") called "the big-scale insanities of the 20th century." This transcendence of the "unutterably dismal" (a phrase from Dangling Man) is achieved, if it can be achieved at all, through a "ferocious assimilation of learning" (Hitchens) and an emphasis on nobility.

In 1989, Bellow received the Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award. The Helmerich Award is presented annually by the Tulsa Library Trust.