Saturday, December 3, 2011

COPPER PENNY HOARDING! : A penny saved is 3 pennies earned

Today a copper penny is worth 3 cents, but don't rush to melt them, that is illegal.

If Laws Change, 'Penny Hoarders' Could Cash in on Thousands of Dollars!

Leeb Says Copper, Rare Earth Minerals Becoming Scarce" and get some copper fever. It won't be the next silvre in terms of going to $35 but it could go up 300%-500% in a short time span (if don't don't totally crash that is)pre-82 pennies. With metal prices on the rise pre-82 pennies are worth 3 cents each and can be sold as bullion, much like pre 64 silver coins.You can go on ebay and sell copper pennies for over 2 cents, but my main point is to hoard copper pennies for when we have a currency collapse. I have no intention of getting rid of these pennies for a long time .I recommend silver also but pre-82 pennies is an easy way to secure some government backed metal. Pennies are guaranteed to be 95% copper by the treasury.

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 02 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman : they are trying desperately to prevent Gold from breaking through $1800/oz next week this is what's all about , and it's not going to work .....all of the Wall Street all the banking all your whole life financially is controlled by the Illuminati , ...people got to understand that commodities are not securities and that the contracts that people sign into in the commodity market are totally different , in the commodity market you do not have no protection whatsoever from the CME , and the COMEX which is owned by them , and so they do what they want ,

Friday, December 2, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Alex Jones Show 02 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman believes that the MF Global debacle was government run , Corzine was told what to do he could not be that suicidal on his own he is a professional on the bond market he knew what he was doing , he was told to buy the bonds of the insolvents European countries and that what he did and when he run out of money they told him loot the account do what you got to do to come up with the money , Bob adds that Corzine is not going to go to jail he might get fined and that will be the end of it