Saturday, June 27, 2009

Worldwide Unrest & Crude Oil Prices

Unrest in Iran is just one of the storms that could impact the price of oil, says Matthew Simmons, chairman emeritus of Simmons & Co. International,

Channels: Energy Analysts Economists

Tags: Oil Simmons Energy

Huge demand for gold & silver

with the FED keeping on flooding the market with US dollar bills , the hyperinflation scenario becomes becomes more plausible and it is now a matter of when rather than if ...Marc Faber amongst other experts warn of a Zimbabwe like Hyperinflation , the rush for the gold have started , There is a huge demand for both gold and silver right now in India and North America. North American shops are completely deprived of silver. Indian shops are empty of both silver and gold. Even the Indian banks don't have any gold or silver.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What's Next In ETFs?

ETF Friday...commodities ETF oil gold silver ...State Street is developing a new ETF family that adjusts for target-date, with Jim Ross, State Street Global Advisors and the Fast Money traders.