Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bob Chapman on GoldMan Sachs Massive Profits

Goldman Sachs Raking in Massive Profits

Bob Chapman
Market Review
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Due to the fact that Goldman Sachs is currently the favorite of Washington they are raking in massive profits during a time when most banks and brokerage firms are struggling for survival.

Due to a very successful second quarter, Goldman has set aside $226,156 per employee in compensation – a 75% increase per employee. That means annualized compensation could be $1 million per employee for the year. We find this of great interest inasmuch as the recently converted bank received a $10 billion taxpayer bailout via Goldman’s connections in Washington. They also received a myriad of benefits from several other government schemes over the past two years. It is nice to know that in part American taxpayers made this possible while unemployment is running on a U6 basis at 20.5%, and Americans are losing their homes by the millions.

Pay surged 75% in the second quarter and compensation and benefits costs were $6.65 billion, up 37% from the equivalent quarter in 2008.

The immense profits of 33% were mainly due to trading profits of $2.7 billion. Goldman made up 24% of the Black Box program. Program trading made up 73% of all NYSE trading.

Read entire article :

Gold Rush - The Gold Conspiracy

This video records the GATA conference held in Dawson City, Yukon Canada on August 7-9 2005. The conference exposes the manipulation of the gold market by central banks. GATA is the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee and can visited at
The value of gold is kept low to keep the value of the dollar high. Traditionally the value of a currency is measured in gold. Current economic policy (Monetarism) advices to infuse new money into the economy to stimulate economic growth. For the last few years money growth in the US has been over 10 percent, much higher than the growth of the economy (GDP). This does stimulate the economy, but the dollar also looses it's value (inflation). New money (credit) is not given to economic participants but lend to them. By now the American consumer is deep into debt (mortgage) and the US government too (bonds). Total debt in the US is over 40 trillion dollars. Total debt is 330 percent of GDP, in 1929 just before the Great Depression it was 270 percent of GDP. Foreign banks and foreign investors are stuck with trillions of dollars worth of bonds and other investements they cannot be sell, because otherwise the dollar would collapse.

The US goverment needs to borrow over 2 billion dollars per day to make ends meet (deficit). Foreign investors are loosing appetite for the dollar, because it is obvious these loans to America can and will not be paid back (with real money). The US goverment has run up a debt of 8,5 trillion dollars and is effectively bankrupt.

The current financial system is kept from collapsing by massive manipulative intervention by the US goverment, the Federal Reserve and banks, such a J.P. Morgan. Such as manipulation of the gold price. However... they are running out of gold to dump on the market!

The Greater Depression
When the housing market collapses even further in 2007 the US economy will go into recession and investors will sell dollar denominted investments and invest in Asia. Dollars will flood the market that already has too many dollars. In addition, the US goverment will only be able to pay investers that sell US goverment bonds by printing massive amounts of dollars (monetizing the debt). The dollar will go into hyper inflation and become worthless.

US banks will go bankrupt, because of fractional reserve banking. Fractional Reserve banking means that the bank does not actually hold the money of it depositors, but lends it out. If borrowers go bankrupt the banks cannot pay the depositors. The bank is bankrupt and the depositor has lost his savings. Depositor's Insurance (FDIC) will not help, because depositors will be paid with money that has much less value. Banks will topple like domino stones: a systemic banking crisis.

Because rampent credit creation, gold and silver will go up in value. They are the only true money, they cannot be debased. As the very profound and structural problems with the dollar becomes more apparent to people, these people will move their wealth into something that is safe: gold and silver. However, there is by far (and I really mean by far!) not enough gold and silver to absorbe all the paper money out there. They value of gold and silver will go astronomical.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bob Chapman on Bank Holidays dollar devaluation Gold and Silver Market

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv Jason Bermas and Bob Dacy

Bermas with the International forcaster bob Chapman on Bank holidays Gold and Silver the government eugenics the dollar devaluation the new global currency shown at the G8 by Russian president Medvedev and much much more.... Alex is not here today Jason Burmas talks with investigative journalist, author, syndicated columnist, and former communications security analyst with the NSA, Wayne Madsen. Additional guests include Dr. Michael Coffman, CEO of Sovereignty International, who appears in Alex's Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement, and Wisconsin resident and Iraq war veteran Vito Congine Jr. who had a flag confiscated by police because he dared fly it upside down.
Jason Bermas Bob Dacy Chapman The International Forecaster deteriorating economy Facebook SWAT Teamed

Part 1 of 4 :

Part 2 of 4 :

Part 3 of 4 :

Part 4 of 4 :