Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stock markets FED Gold and Silver are the main topics

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty Aug 31 2009

Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Bob Chapman Financial crisis collapse Dollar Stock market crash Swine flu N1H1 vaccine vaccinations Glenn Beck Peter Schiff CNBC FOX News Economic and economic Ron Paul RonPaul Gold Standard election 2008 economic political news commentary interview david walker constitution Alex Jones Endgame The Obama Deception Fall of the Republic Martial Law Ted Kennedy JFK RFK 9/11 false flag attack 7/7 London Bombings UK Queen England Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler National Socialism Islam Israel mossad CIA FBI MI5 KGB ISI swine flu avian influenza vaccine shot jab injection innoculation mercury swineflu

Monday, August 31, 2009

How The Rothschild control the Gold Market

Rothschild Gold

The Gold of The Rothschild :
historically the Rothschild family wealth is hidden in underground vaults , The Rothschild secret wealth records were never audited and never accounted for ...researchers estimate their wealth to close to 500 trillion dollars more than half the wealth of the entire world palaces wineries horse race resorts mansions the Rothschild bought Reuters in the 18th , Reuters then bought the associated Press AP which selects and delivers the same news stories to the entire world day after day they have controlling interests in 3 major television networks until recently the owned and operated the England's Royal Mint and continue to be the Gold agent for the bank of England which they also direct they control the LBMA London Bullion Market association where 30 t0 42 million ounces of gold worth over 11 trillion dollars are traded daily . The Rothschild earn millions weekly just on transaction fees alone , they also fix the world price of gold on a daily basis and profit from its ups and down , over the centuries the Rothschild have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vault and

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