Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Greece Panic Sends Dollar Up - Midday Market Update 12-08-09

FedEx delivers and Blackberry climbs the great wall. Meanwhile, retailers struggle.

Market Technical Analysis & Setups - Greece Panic Sends Dollar Up...Thus Markets Drop. Key Levels!!!

InTheMoneyStocks.com breaks out the key technical analysis techniques they have become famous for. They analyze the charts on the market to showcase their technical trend line analysis, price, pattern and time values.

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Gold vs Paper Money Obama Dollar

Paper Money Collapsing against Gold

The problem with paper money is that governments can create unlimited amounts. This is what they have done throughout history and especially in the last 100 years and which has led to the total destruction of most currencies. Most people don’t even understand that their government makes their money worthless. Money printing gives them the illusion of being richer whilst all they have are pieces of paper with more zeros on them. But there is one currency that governments can’t print which is gold. Gold has been real money for almost 5,000 years and it is the only currency that has survived throughout history. Gold can’t be printed and no government controls it. Therefore gold will, over time, always reveal governments’ fraudulent actions in creating money out of thin air. And this is what we are experiencing currently. Gold is not going up. Instead gold is doing what it has always done, namely maintaining its value and purchasing power.

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Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 02 Dec 2009

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