Tuesday, December 29, 2009

China is buying Platinum and Palladium Bob Chapman 28 Dec 2009

Bob Chapman on Gold and Silver Trading 28 Dec 2009

In the first week of January the gold will start going up again , the next year is going to be a giant year for all of us gold holders says Bob Chapman ...Europe has some seriouse problems , the Euro is way under priced...Goldman Sachs Citi Group GP Morgan they short the dollar gold and gold shares ,they have been shorting the dollars like mad last few days .....

Larry King Live Roswell Incident Unmasked

Sequence with Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Real UFO Landing Canada ?

The site of this..."craft"...was examined by Geiger counters and the result was that the ground had high levels of background radiation present. Further, not one, but many people witnessed the object that night and all who were interviewed claim that the object was circular without any rotating blades. The analysis of the craft in the video confirms that it is not a helicopter and that it is elliptical. It is not a hoax, and it is not a helicopter, RESEARCH.