Tuesday, January 19, 2010

World Currency and World Government soon says Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 18 January 2010

Bob Chapman says " we got them on the run" thanks to the internet , radio shows the information is circulating faster and reaching every corner of the planet ...they are desperate trying to keep the system going added Bob Chapman , The only thing safe is gold and silver.......
social security is bankrupt the country is bankrupt we are morally bankrupt ...

A new type of gold rush

A new gold rush is on in Austin.

Korean won vs Japanese Yen

Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Mark Dow, a portfolio manager at Pharo Management LLC, talks with Bloomberg's Susan Li about his investment strategy for the South Korean won and the yen. Dow also discusses the outlook for the U.S. dollar and the price of gold. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)