Monday, February 22, 2010

Iran Problems could shoot the Oil Price to $200 a Barrel

Iran's Impact on Oil

Fmr. FERC Commissioner Branco Terzic argues higher demand and political tensions in Iran could make oil prices spike.

Gold Survived 3 shocks : China Greece and Obama says investor Takai of Sumitomo Corp.

Sumitomo's Takai Discusses Gold Price, U.S. Dollar

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Bob Takai, the general manager of financial services at Sumitomo Corp., talks with Bloomberg's Susan Li about the outlook for gold market and the U.S. dollar. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

New Credit-Card Rules May Mean Lost Revenue for Banks

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Monica Bertran reports on new credit-card rules that take effect today and their potential impact on card issuers. (Source: Bloomberg)