Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oil, Platinum Prices Rising says Castlestone s Murray

April 6 (Bloomberg) -- Angus Murray, chief executive officer of Castlestone Management Ltd., talks about the outlook for commodity prices and demand. Murray speaks with Bloomberg's Maryam Nemazee in London.

Chalmers Johnson :The BLOWBACK SYNDROME - Oil Wars and Overreach

Chalmers Johnson, author of Blowback, Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic , talks about the U.S. 'military-petroleum complex,' the over-extension of the American military, nuclear proliferation, and the decline of Washington's credibility abroad.

Chalmers Johnson is president of the Japan Policy Research Institute, a non-profit research and public affairs organization devoted to public education concerning Japan and international relations in the Pacific.

David Icke - The Hollie Greig Case & The Scottish Elite Connection

David Icke - The Hollie Greig Case & The Scottish Elite Connections to the World Wide Satanic Pedophile Network
March 23, 2010

We follow up on the story of the Scottish establishment pedophilia ring and talk more about the horrifying case of Hollie Greig with David Icke who joins us to connect some of the dots surrounding this and other similar cases around the world. We talk about the world wide spanning satanic network and the connecting pedophile rings that have its tentacles into elite, political and illuminati circles around the world. Why? What is going on? Who are the perpetrators? Topics Discussed: Scotland, Breach of the Peace, the Law Firm, Levy and McRae, Is it a Freemasonic cover-up? The Franklin Cover-up, Pedophile Ring in Nebraska, John DeCamp, Ted Gunderson, Lawrence King, Kenny MacAskill, The Murder of Anne’s Brother Roy, Thomas Hamilton, Jersey child abuse investigation 2008 at the a youth hostel, Christopher Booker, Blackmail, High-ranking Australian Satanist Deathbed Confessions, British Premier Gordon Brown a Pedophile? The Lack of Empathy of the perpetrators, Non-Human Monsters, Demons & Reptiles, “All that is Hidden will Come to Light,” we also ask David what he believes the world will look like in 20 years from now. Don’t miss this program and don’t forget to listen to our two-hour program with Anne Greig and Robert Green as well.