Saturday, September 25, 2010

Richard Dolan on ET Disclosure Sep 19th 2010

After Disclosure

During the first hour, historian Richard Dolan talked about his impending book, co-authored with Bryce Zabel, titled AD After Disclosure. He noted that the book was inspired by the fact that disclosure is often discussed in the UFO community, but few researchers ever go beyond that idea to contemplate "what happens next." Dolan was optimistic about the forecast for humanity in the event that UFO truth is revealed, but cautioned that a lot will depend on what we learn about the ETs. While he was adamant that UFO disclosure is an inevitability, Dolan was skeptical of the idea of a long-range conditioning process. On the contrary, he said, "what I see is that they have no plan to prepare us for contact."

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Jim Marrs on Jeff Rense 23 Sept 2010

Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist and has over 30 years experience with several Texas newspapers. In 1999, he began teaching a course on UFOs, perhaps one of the first university level UFO courses in the nation. Jim also investigated the U.S. Army's remote viewing program three years before it was publicly acknowledged by the CIA and then produced "Alien Agenda." In addition, his book, "Rule by Secrecy," has been termed an "underground best-seller".