Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why Gold & Silver? - Cash Is Trash

GET THE FULL MOVIE HERE: WIN SILVER! Subscribe to this channel, 'Like' this video, add it to your favourites and you have the chance to win silver bullion. Welcome to the first episode in our 10 part series!

We have been collectively hoodwinked into believing that our paper currencies are 'as good as gold'. Nothing could be further from the truth. Originally, our paper currency was a receipt for gold or silver held on deposit. But since 1971, all world currencies have been fiat -backed by nothing of physical value. Take a $10 bill from your wallet. Do you really think that the paper is worth $10? By the way, that's not the question for the competition...just something to ask yourself if you are new to this. Welcome to the Matrix...

Buy the whole video, online version only $9.95:

Detailed Prizes and Contest Rules can be found here -

If you like the title music (the NZ Dub part) please check out the site of the most amazing Aaron Saxon - Music for liberating your mind. Thanks for believing in me bro. Dan.

You can also keep up with our latest filming efforts on the official Facebook page for 'Why Gold & Silver', get the latest developments and see behind teh scenes photos here:
Please click the 'Like' button and help us spread teh hard money message on Facebook!

Real Estate Investment Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki - 6 Steps to Becoming a Successful Real Estate Investor

Will bankers lend you money for mutual funds? Will your insurance agent give you insurance for your 401k and mutual funds?...No, but they will for real estate!

Roads to Riches is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that will get you on your way to becoming a successful real estate investor. Robert Kiyosaki, together with his wife Kim, share their secrets to finding Real Estate assets that will feed you for a lifetime.

Have UFOs Been To Earth?