Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cash Is Trash. Why Gold & Silver? Mike Maloney

Cash Is Trash. Why Gold & Silver? - Free Investing Movie With Mike Maloney

We have been collectively hoodwinked into believing that our paper currencies are 'as good as gold'. Nothing could be further from the truth. Originally, our paper currency was a receipt for gold or silver held on deposit. But since 1971, all world currencies have been fiat -backed by nothing of physical value. Take a $10 bill from your wallet. Do you really think that the paper is worth $10? By the way, that's not the question for the competition...just something to ask yourself if you are new to this. Welcome to the Matrix...

Buy the whole video, online version only $9.95:

SILVER REPORT: suppression WILL end

Silver suppression by JP Morgan is going to end soon one way or another, but right now, below $20 an ounce - silver remains a gift. This is a race against time, not price. The mission is to utilize the remaining time we have left to buy silver cheaply in order to stockpile as much as possible. Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Sinclair and Stellaconcepts weigh in.

An Engineers Look at Silver

Even though everything in this video is in the public domain, most likely not one percent of silver investors and users are aware of what is contained in this important video. There is now five times MORE gold than silver plus the world is running out of silver. So why is the price of silver so low? Good question! Listen then draw your own conclusions.I thought I had covered everything of importance in part one but based on the much larger response than expectted and many important questions asked I failed to cover, a "part 2" was clearly called for. What else did I miss this time? Let me know please! I'll be happy to do a part three but will not repeat anything. I am preparing another video still on silver but not a part 3, It will be one most will not like but it must be said, Curiousity peaked? Stay tuned!