Saturday, October 30, 2010

GOLD and QE2

Joseph Foster, a portfolio manager at Van Eck Associates in New York, talks about the potential impact of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing on the gold market.

speaking with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop," also discusses the outlook for gold stocks and investment strategy. (Source: Bloomberg)

Robert Kiyosaki Explains - The Real Value Of The Dollar Gold Silver

Robert Kiyosaki Explains - The Real Value Of The Dollar Gold Silver
An all out currency war has begun - governments around the world are devaluing their currencies in order to have cheap exports - and are destroying the middle class.

Mike Dillard interviews Robert Kiyosaki

Mike Dillard interviews Robert Kiyosaki about Network Marketing
Robert Kiyosaki : the future is predictable ...but if you are not ahead of the change you become victim of it ....