Saturday, November 6, 2010

Q: How high can the gold price go? A: $15,000

Mike Maloney, The #1 best selling author on Gold and Silver, explains that gold can hit $15,000 dollars an ounce if they stop printing currency as of May 2009

Mike Maloney Believes Silver Can Hit $1,500 oz

Mike Maloney Believes Silver Can Hit $1,500 oz

Bob Chapman - Artificial Manipulation of Our Markets

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 11-01-10

Bob Chapman on Our Economy & World Events and The Artificial Manipulation of Our Markets

Bob Chapman wrote on the International Forecaster of the 3rd November 2010 :....The foregoing allows the Dow to sell at higher levels than previously because a part of those savings go into the stock market and bonds. If you haven’t noticed the bond market is in a bubble created by the Fed. You would think there was some kind of safety in stocks and bonds. Then again, desperate people do desperate things. If you want to see what safety in bonds is, just look at Britain’s bond markets since WWII. This is the sort of result you can expect when you marry corporations and government, and you end up with corporatist fascism..."