Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jeff Nielson : Silver, Comex Default & QE2

A gripping, in-depth SILVER interview with Writer & Economist Jeff Nielson of Bullionbullscanada.com

"Total silver supply reached 858.0 million ounces last year. This tonnage was up 2.4% from 2008 levels and it also constituted a record volume of silver supply. A further 2.5%-5% increase in total silver supplies is projected for 2010. The largest increase in total supply last year was from a 4% bump recorded by global silver mine production. Around 22,100 tonnes or 709.6 million ounces of silver were estimated to have been mined in the world in 2009.

Jon Nadler. kitco Nov 22 2010"

Bob Chapman : Crash JP Morgan - buy silver

Bob Chapman team-up with Eminem against JP Morgan.

Bob Chapman was on Financial Survival 11/19/2010 discussing Max Keiser's campaign for people to Crash JP Morgan and buy Physical Silver

Robert Kiyosaki : Work for assets not for money

Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki - Let Your Money Work Hard For YOU!

Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki - Let Your Money Work Hard For YOU!

There are 4 ways you can leverage your money -
1. Business
2. Real Estate
3. Paper Assets
4. Commodities

Get start with a business in the commodities sector - Gold & Silver