Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Upside Explosion in Silver once it breaks $21: James Turk

"While gold is moving higher, I am really focused on the $21 level in silver to be hurdled because that's when the upside explosion that we have been talking about is really going to start." ,   James Turk , he makes a good point about how much silver is actually left in the ground. I have long suspected that it is no longer 16/1 and more like the 8/1-12/1 you mentioned. Still, I have not seen any figures as to what is still there. Stands to reason though since, as u point out, silver is close to the surface and gold is deep. Everyday there is more gold and less silver available. Roll on the 8/1 ratio. Some of us will be partying like rock stars! Absolutely, same applies to gold jewellery..there is more silver utensils and coinage above ground than gold too.However the 16:1 ratio in the ground is debatable but it's safe to say that the ratio is probably closer to between 8:1 - 12:1 in reality as silver supplies in ground are drying up a little (as it is found closer to the surface than gold and has been easier to obtain) therefore most of the available silver has already been found at this point.

The Silver Market is Extremely Undervalued, huge upside potential! Jason Hommel

Jason Hommel, of  The Silver Stock Report, discusses reasons for listeners to consider investing in silver.There's a lot of people who just don't get it and who haven't heard of Silver.the growing silver push will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. In hard times, it will increase in value thanks to it's monetary value. In good times, industrial demand will eventually outpace the supply.It's not rocket sciencethe worlds economy is run by money counterfeiting criminals. the world is full of tax cattle slaves who think they are free.Silver has always been used alongside gold when it comes to trade.

Silver is usually "demonetised" during good times, which leads towards bad times as it causes a restricted money supply. Saying people will trade in gold and ignore silver is like saying people will trade in dollars and ignore cents. That's simply not true.

Webbot predicting Silver Shortage?

Webbot predicting Silver Shortage? Bank Of America the fall guy to hold the toxic assets?
Nobody knows for sure. But, I gotta admit, WebBot is intriguing. They're trying to forecast trends based on web "linguistics". Dunno, but my hat flies to Clif for at least trying.
As long as we have central banks and armies standing to defend them, we can't really say with confidence what will happen next. But, I think it's real clear that ALL commodities will increase in value, over time. Just depends on how much time you have.Mike Maloney talks about inevitable shortage in his book written in 2008. many analyst predicted COMEX default in 2010. Consider the growing monetary demand and number of paper claims on silver 100+. It is just matter of when.

Ya the webbots are like entertainment until you wake up one day and do some serious research into them and find out that they called all of silver's moves way back in 2003 and btw,they forecast silver to reach parity with and eventually surpass gold in the future.Doubt that the public has been given the full picture of the mortgage scam. Just read somewhere the other day that many of these mortgages were insured at 90% so it was more beneficial for the the lenders to push foreclosures quickly as they ended up with not only the funds but properties as well. Entertainment or not, sounds like the webbots have had some hits