Monday, December 13, 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Dec 10 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Dec 10 2010

Bob Chapman gold supply to run out in 6 months, price to explode!!

gold and silver will soon explode in price

It will be interesting to see when all the gold/silver share holders want exchange for the physical.  Word is they are selling shares & don't have enough physical to cover everyone. Buy gold/silver coins & bullions, shares are just promise notes.

Fears over Alaska new Gold Rush

A proposal for an enormous gold mine in the US state of Alaska could bring jobs to remote villages - and stimulate the local economy. It would be one of the biggest mines in the world. It would also bring billions of dollars to large corporations.
But locals and environmentalists say it comes at a huge price. They fear toxic waste from the mine would enter streams and lakes, disrupting the native way of life for good.The Alaskan gold rush is not new.