Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rich Dad Real Estate Advisor Ken McElroy on his Latest Apartment Complex Investments

Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad" real estate advisor Ken McElroy talks to host Jay Carter about how his apartment complex investments are faring during the ongoing economic downturn. McElroy's latest book is "The Sleeping Giant: An Awakening of the Self-Employed Entrepreneur" which can be found at

Silver in Backwardation, Set to Explode says James Turk

James Turk has alerted King World News that silver is in backwardation. Turk spoke with KWN saying, “Silver is in backwardation which is an extremely important development. Most are aware that when backwardation occurs, the spot price is higher than the futures price. Backwardation happens regularly in most commodities, but it is rare in the precious metals.”
read full article from KWN >>>>,_Set_to_Explode.html

Bob Chapman Gold has won a battle over the Dollar becoming the world reserve currency

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Jan 21 2011
Bob Chapman explains why the gold is correcting, this correction is man made , but Gold has won a battle over the Dollar becoming the world reserve currency , JP Morgam runs the United States ...we are in for a bad bad time and it is only going to get worse...