Friday, February 4, 2011

Bob Chapman Friday Report: Foreign Dependency - Part of Game The U.S. is Playing

Ancient Tech Moon - Marcus Allen

April 13, 2008 Marcus Allen, the UK publisher and distributor of "Nexus Magazine" join us to discuss his background with Nexus, technology in ancient Egypt, the moon landings and much more. Topics Discussed: Nexus magazine in the UK, Ancient Egypt, John Anthony West, anomalies in the dating of the Sphinx, Difference between granit and lime stone, the great pyramid, the king's chamber and the size of the sarcophagus, how did they get the sarcophagus into the kings chamber? Aswan, the unfinished obelisk, quarries, "rock softening" liquid from the Amazon, Bagdad Battery, water, Brown's Gas, Thor Heyerdahl, Egyptians traveled to South America or vice versa, Columbus, Karnak. Marcus also gives us a overview of his talk at the Beyond Knowledge conference about the NASA moon landings and much more.

The world is turning to Gold and Silver

POLITICAL & ECONOMIC CHAOS The world is turning to Gold and Silver , Marc Faber said recently that if the world were to go back to a gold standard, the price of gold would need to be around $1000000\oz.

Buy metal, even if you change bills into nickels it screws the fed while keeping you money safe in the value of the metal which is worth more than the coin. The added bonus of everyone changing bills into nickels is that he fed will have to borrow money to buy more nickel and mint more coins, this increases inflation on two fronts. BUY METAL!!!!Rumors of the "new world currency" that will replace the failing dollar will be gold/silver/commodity backed, and any sudden "crisis" could see it ushered in overnight. A COMEX default/collapse due to no silver in their vaults, China dumping US debt, etc.....could be the "crisis". Greenspan promoting "gold-backed" currency. Also rumors of abolishing the Fed Reserve, as they will be blamed for the "crisis". Buy Silver...