Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ufo Orizaba Mexico 14 Feb/ 2011

Ufo Orizaba Mexico 14 Feb/ 2011

Mideast turmoil looming oil crisis?

The rising price of oil can have dire consequences on any economy, and with the unrest in Libya, things are not looking good at the pump here in the United States. On the heels of the unrest in the Middle East, crude is heading for the biggest weekly increase in two years. The crisis is also being used by some politicians and media outlets to exploit their message of "Drill Baby Drill." Whatever the solution to our dependence on foreign oil, the short term economic ramifications for many Americans still suffering from the economic crisis appear dire if food prices skyrocket as well.the oil from Libya and Saudi Arabia are different. oil from Libya is has little sulphur, but oil from Saudi Arabia has a lot of sulphur.EU's refineries (main importers of Libya's oil exports) arent equipped to process oil from Saudi Arabia.

America's OIL is our emergency reserve.
Unrest in the Middle East is raising fears of tighter oil markets with analysts warning we could see $220 per barrel in the near future if oil production is disrupted in Algeria or Saudi Arabia. Foreign Policy Contributing Editor Steve Levine says if Algerian protests bring a halt to oil production it could force Saudi Arabia to its capacity, that's when oil prices will skyrocket.
With this huge push to start Drilling in America, it's a safe bet that World OIL, is running out.

OIL energy has been supporting an unprecedented world population of 7 BILLION people, when it does run out, get ready for a world that looks like The Road Warrior.


David Morgan is correct, If JPMorgan can't deliver physical Silver, most sheeple will gladly accept worthless paper dollars is lieu of metal. this is certainly the best interview David Morgan has done in a very long time......very revealing. I guess David is a bit conservative in ways, but he agrees the COMEX may default, Silver will continue to rise in price, and physical Silver is a very essential investment. However, he thinks JP Morgan can use "limitless fiat money" to cover its massive silver short positions....which leads to hyperinflation. JP and the wicked witch "Blythe" are going down! End the FED...Buy Silver!

The fraud being committed by the investment banks at the comex can be exposed. "Crash JP Morgan buy Silver" was the name given to the effort by Max keiser and Alex Jones to facilitate a Google bomb. That is why there is some confusion from time to time about the true nature of the campaign. Buy Silver and expose the fraud being committed on the COMEX by JP Morgan would describe the effort more accurately. With an unlimited supply of fiat currency bankrupting JP Morgan is not possible.
The banks have the power because we give them that extreme power. We have the power and every right to end their reign. The US can confiscate the Federal Reserve Systems' gold and silver and issue United States Notes.
Yeah, precious metals are a waste of time, that's why Ben ali left Tunisia with 1500 pounds of the countries gold, he didn't want them to be burdened with such a worthless asset. Less than 1% of the people own metals. That's why so many people are ignorant about real value or worth. The media and government have indoctrinated the masses to believe a piece of paper with a dead guys pictures on it is valuable. I bought silver @$12, $15, $17 and it's still a good deal. Still laughing?