Monday, February 28, 2011

T Boone Pickens, Oil Price could go to $150

T. Boone Pickens on Bloomberg Television : T. Boone Pickens appeared on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance Midday" with Tom Keene this afternoon to discuss the effect on Oil prices of the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa on oil and reiterate his call for the U.S. to come up with a comprehensive energy plan. He said that American consumers are "paying for both sides of the war" in Afghanistan because "some of the money you pay for OPEC oil is going to the Taliban."

Silver Ebay and Market

Silver Ebay and Market . 3-5 years ago the mantra was buy as much silver for your money and avoid the slightly higher premiums at the time for smaller denominations. As the market has heated up this has turned out to be not the correct advice. Not only did one receive a higher premium whan selling smaller denominations but toay the premiums for smaller denominations have increased anywhere from 5-8 fold while premiums have only doubled for larger bars of silver

Jim Rogers - Commodities Bull Run

Feb. 27 2011 | Discussing why commodites are in an uptrend with Jim Rogers, Chairman of Rogers Holdings.