Thursday, March 10, 2011

David Morgan -- Gold:Silver Ratio, Silver Wheaton, Inflation/Deflation

David Morgan -- Gold:Silver Ratio, Silver Wheaton, Inflation/Deflation

Silver Price Down, Unemployment Up, Oil Price Down, Saudi Day of Rage Uncertain

Siver prices are down today on bad economic data all around. American trade deficit went up 15%, Unemployment numbers are up in America. Spain's debt has been down graded. China posted lower growth than expected. Gold price down as well. No economic recovery in sight.

Oil Prices are down in spite of the Saudi Arabia day of rage planned for tomorrow. Platinum and Palladium are down as well. Libyan turmoil still going on. Gas prices are still high. Dollar and Euro in a race for collapse. Economic collapse can happen in either Europe or America.

Buy silver when prices are going down. Commodities will still be in great demand for years to come. Prepper prepare.

Why Silver Is the Investment of the Decade - Eric Sprott

Eric Sprott explains why he believes that Silver Is the Investment of the Decade