Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kiyosaki Robert and Mike Maloney - Silver vs. Paper Currency

Robert Kiyosaki, along with friend, and author of the Rich Dad Advisor Book, Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, Mike Maloney, explains why gold and silver are vital investments for today's economy.Gold is primarily there to STORE your wealth and protect you from inflation.If it rises compared to paper money, consider it an extra.The US Fed QE2 stimulus will end and the artificial inflation of the world stock markets will collapse not long after

Gold as of now should match the amount of dollars in circulation like maloney says, but the fed could decrease the money supply. Dont think it cant happen. If the currency is on the verge of collapse, they will do it to save the central bank just like the depression of the 30's. either way, i think gold outperforms but dont get so cocky on gold 15,000. You never know what these politicians will do. If obama loses in 4 years, gold will tank.Silver's intrinsic value extends from the fact that it protects your accumulated wealth, is a highly accepted medium of exchange and it`s real money at every step of the way. In the existing situation it's going to be a profitable move to hold silver bullion since it can lead you through periods of currency inflation, volatility, and financial downturns.

Robert Kiyosaki : people go broke because They work for earned income

Robert Kiyosaki : “I want to educate more people. This really is a jobless recovery---that’s why one of the things about the information age is there is a lot of work to be done but fewer jobs. It’s like when you go to a ghetto, there’s a lot of work but no jobs. People have jobs, but they are substandard and they are not paying enough money; so we have to do something to change their perspective and the world is not doing a good job telling people to work hard and save money in your 401k – that’s why they are going broke. They work for earned income; they are over taxed, they invest in earned income and they save money, while the Federal Reserve is printing it like crazy. The reason I came out with my Cash Flow Game is so you could learn, and then teach five other people. Then, you can teach your kids. You've got to play the game about four or five times and your mind will change. You will see a whole new world.”

Saturday, April 2, 2011

James Turk Upside explosion in Silver Price

THE QE BUBBLE IS GOING TO BURST IN 2011 and the hole house of cards will fall. GAME OVER . Gold is in a 2nd stage of a bull market.the world central banks have never printed so much money before. There is a debt nuclear bomb developing that can only end badly. We will see a more rapid price appreciation than in the past years. Price target until 2015: 8000 Dollar. Price manipulation has come to an end. Gold as natural alternative to currencies. Chances of hyperinflation 100%.Gold prohibition possible.James Turk wrote in 2010 "While gold is moving higher, I am really focused on the $21 level in silver to be hurdled because that's when the upside explosion that we have been talking about is really going to start." so he was 100% spot on