Monday, May 23, 2011

Greece will Default before bringing the rest of Europe with it

Bob Chapman - Erskine Radio - 05-22-2011

Bob Chapman of the International forecaster says that Greece may default first , that the Maastricht treaty which meant one interest rate fits all was a disaster , the Spaniards are used to violence going back to the civil war , the riots in Spain may spread to Italy and probably all over Europe

Europe will break-up in two years

Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 05-23-2011

A good day for Gold today , the demonstrations in Spain are not political , unemployment amongst the youths is around 35% says Bob Chapman , there is a real trouble in Europe and it is going to get worse , the young people will not accept any austerity measures , it is not their fault it is the banks fault why should they pay for it , there will be a partial default in Greece , the Euro and Europe will break up in a couple of years , the Euro won't be the next reserve currency the dollar has a good chance to be the world currency again but it is going to be a very rocky road ahead ....

Sheikh Imran Hosein : The Paper Money is the Biggest rip-off in human history

Sheikh Imran Hosein : The Paper Money is the Biggest rip-off in human history ,Sheikh Imran Hosein he explains how Richard Nixon repudiated a treaty obligation (Bretton Woods ) by introducing paper money instead of gold backed money in September 1971 , since then no paper money is redeemable in Gold , but the rip-offs is not over yet , the elite are planning to crash the dollar and all paper money with it in around 2012 , and introduce instead the Digital Money , in this way they will have further control over people's wealth and transactions , his is an excellent analysis by Sheikh Imran Hosein in accordance of what other people are prognostication like Pastor Lindsey Williams who says that according to his sources the US Dollar and the Euro will be dead by 2012 , this is the elite's plan ....