Monday, June 6, 2011

The Stock market and the real estate are good ways to lose your money if you do not like the volatility of the gold and silver market

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - June 6, 2011

Bob Chapman : there are no rules we do not have free market the US government does whatever he wants , we have markets that are run by corporate fascist government , period and the FED is owned by banks that's JP Morgan Chase Goldman Sachs Deutsch Bank HSBC Citi Group and a host of others , they are in rigging every market everyday , why hasn't gold and silver gone up higher more quickly ? they have been suppressing it since 1988 , I have been into this business for 52 years so I know all of the facts first as a broker for 30 years and then as a writer for the past 28 years...if you do not like the volatility of the gold and silver market go to the stock market and lose all your money or buy real estate that's a good way to lose your money  Bob Chapman says ironically ...

Bob Chapman on The Free American Hour Jun 3, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Free American Hour Jun 3, 2011

Bob Chapman : the police violence is encouraged by the federal government , once the police starts shooting people out of hand what happens next is they become the target , there is probably 500 thousand police in the country there is 50 thousand agencies ,what's gonna happen there is 450 million guns in the United States there is probably 200 million people who know how to use them out of 310 million I think that's a conservative figure 80 million are veterans and 40 million have been in combat , now do the police really think that they withstand the ghost of a chance against those kind of numbers and there is no way the federal government is going to get people's weapons , they might get 30 percent of them that's about it ...the law enforcement will not win they will be decimated and I fear for their families ...

Bob Chapman - PATRIOT FRIDAY SHOW - Jun 4, 2011

Bob Chapman : what we have is the working at the financial market which is legal it is an executive order and they use that to manipulate the market so we do not have a free market that's the kind of things we have to put up with , the federal reserve is privately owned and the people who own the federal reserve are short silver in a big way and they continue to try to suppress the price because they would like to see the price much lower so that they can buy back their position and not make as much loses as they would otherwise....