Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gold Rush : the wholesale jewelry industry

About half of all of the gold in the world actually ends up as jewelry and for some investors, that's the way to go. own physical gold. Lafayette, Louisiana, is the home of stoler, the largest wholesale jewelry manufacturer in the united states. and what a home a 600,000 square foot facility, 1200 employees strong. this is where it all begins. gold is brought here in the form of these big gold bars and they weigh 400 ounces a piece and some of it is melted down to the bars sold to individual investors and the rest is combined with this gold from the manufacturing processes. all of it is destined for the melt house. only 60% of the supply of gold in the world comes from mines and the other 40% comes from people melting it down. melted gold, recyclable is 40% of the supply right now

Ron Paul on The Gold Rush

Gold rose 46.34 percent from 52 weeks ago . Year to date Gold is up 28.54 percent .Bob Pisani takes you to the deepest part of the deepest mine in the world. Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX) and presidential hopeful, weighs in on the recent gold rush.  
Ron Paul : I never think about the price of Gold I always think about the value of the dollar , traditionally for thousands of years the currencies been measured by Gold , there has been a lot of fiat currencies throughout history but never one like we have today and that's what people are discovering , the financial crisis is discovering this

Bob Chapman : If they do not hurry up and get their QE3 going , it is going to get much worse

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty Hour 3 - 29 August 2011

Bob Chapman : If they do not hurry up and get their QE3 going , it is going to get much worse , of course they need help from the legislators but I do not think they are going to get that at least not initially , they are not going to cut anything except social security and medicare certainly not the debt , and they will take whatever they cut there and add it to the military industrial complex ...