Monday, October 3, 2011

Bob Chapman : I buy Gold every Month

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 03 Oct 2011

in inflationary depression gold and silver have always gone up and they will again , you are not in this to make money but to keep what you already got , the market is strong there are plenty of buyers in the physical market , so be a buyer I bought last week , I buy every month put it away ....all currencies are worthless , the dollar is just a reflection of the Euro , al major 9 fiat currencies have lost to gold in the last ten years .... Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 03 Oct 2011

Bright future for silver no matter how bad the recession will be

Few central banks hold any silver there is only the US India and Mexico , it is because the central banks do not consider silver monetary asset since silver exited the world financial system years ago says the silver guru David Morgan , he doubts that there is a trends for the central banks to start buying and hoarding silver ...silver demand for water purification is going to continue to increase even in the worse depression you can imagine and also for food processing and conservation says David Morgan , there will be also a huge demand for silver from the energy sector in the form of solar panels and this no matter how bad the recession will be

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet 

Bob Chapman - Soros possible behind the Occupy Wall street Movement

Bob Chapman - James Corbett - October 3, 2011

Bob Chapman : If Soros is behind the Occupy Wall Street movement , he made a terrible mistake , he actually makes plenty of mistakes , he was convicted of rigging the stock market both in France and Hungary which nobody talks about it , this guy is a convicted fellon , it does not matter if he is a billionaire or not , in rance he appealed and they said no you are guilty