Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report Hour 2 - October 18, 2011

Bob Chapman : there 2.76 trillion injection of leverage and in Germany that is illegal they got to have a referendum and a vote for that to happen and we see no chance of it passing that's why they are attacking gold and silver and commodities all they are doing is gaining time trying to keep the market up , they are criminals

Gold is set to shoot up like a rocket over the next weeks

Even George Soros came out recently and said that we are facing a double dip recession , so over the next few weeks with all the problems coming from the Euro zone and the US economy facing double dip recession you are going to see rising gold prices we are going to see a flight to safety in the precious metals , all the fundamentals are in place to set the gold explosion , the safest way to invest in precious metals is to physically hold on to it yourself that way there is no counter party risk you are not going to get a margin call by a broker saying you owe us more money or you are going to lose your whole position , you are in control ...

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report First HR - October 18, 2011

Bob Chapman : this is nothing but market manipulation they drove the price of gold and silver down they won't stay down . they are scared to death ....they are going to nationalize all the banks