Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show 21 October 2011

Bob Chapman : I was always of opinion that half of the people that attends colleges should npot be there says bob Chapman , You don't need a degree to be an artist, but I went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh to sharpen my skills, and my parents thought it was a quality college. They charge MORE for their majors than an average university charges for the same damn thing! The community college here charges about 50 grand LESS for graphic design than what AiP charged and none of the Ai credits are transferable to any school except another Ai. Many colleges are just like this one, sadly.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bob Chapman : Syria & Iran to be Invaded next ?

Bob Chapman : The Dollar has gone down because the euro has gone up , the Euro has gone up because there is these is this overwhelming feeling that some sort of solution will be found for the problems in Europe but as far as I can see there is nothing new on the horizon ...nothing will come out of the G20 meeting , the Greek government has brought in mercenaries to attack the crowds , th3ey killed one person the media does not know who did it obviously the media is controlled by the Illuminati , Obama is announcing the withdraw of the troops from Iraq because they are going to have another war , probably Syria and Iran will be Invaded next

Bill Murphy : Silver price could go ballistic at any moment

Bill Murphy & Chris Waltzek - Oct. 19, 2011

Bill Murphy, chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), talks about the silver backwardation how The Silver Market is very Tight and that it will be reflected on the silver price in the coming months and how undervalued double-digit silver is and reiterate James' target of 400$ silver. The important thing is not how much it has gone up or what the dollar price is, but value. The small amount of physical silver relative to the huge amount of paper silver and even larger amount of paper money means that silver is still hugely undervalued and why to understand the gold and silver markets it is fundamental to know what GATA knows and be familiar with the gold price suppression scheme. How outstanding gold loans and massive paper gold shorts have distorted the market and how this is now unraveling. Finally he explains the tremendous potential in mining stocks and how these have been suppressed too, despite rising gold prices. Given their tiny market capitalization he expects that when the rush comes, they will rise in value very rapidly and outshine even the dotcom bubble.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Bill Murphy : The Silver Market is very Tight

Bill Murphy & Chris Waltzek - Oct. 19, 2011 : Bill Murphy, chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), talks about his recent interview with Jesse Ventura about the manipulation in Gold and Silver market and he explains the silver backwardation how The Silver Market is very Tight and that it will be reflected on the silver price in the coming months and how undervalued double-digit silver is and reiterate James' target of 400$ silver. The important thing is not how much it has gone up or what the dollar price is, but value. The small amount of physical silver relative to the huge amount of paper silver and even larger amount of paper money means that silver is still hugely undervalued and why to understand the gold and silver markets it is fundamental to know what GATA knows and be familiar with the gold price suppression scheme. How outstanding gold loans and massive paper gold shorts have distorted the market and how this is now unraveling. Finally he explains the tremendous potential in mining stocks and how these have been suppressed too, despite rising gold prices. Given their tiny market capitalization he expects that when the rush comes, they will rise in value very rapidly and outshine even the dotcom bubble.

James Turk : the outlook for gold remains very bullish

James Turk talks to Dominic Frisby in London on the 6th of October 2011 : the outlook for gold remains very very bullish he said , the US government is not really addressing the fundamental problem that it is spending too much money , we are still on this road to what I call the road to hyperinflation James Turk says The Gold dos not loose its safe heaven status a safe heaven is where you know you can have your wealth placed and you know that it won't be affected , Gold is a safe heaven because it does not have a counter party risk financial assets do , real wealth is not based on someone's promise it is based on a tangible utility that you own

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bob Chapman on A Marine Disquisition - October 20th 2011

Bob Chapman on The Marine Disquisition - October 20th 2011 with Drew Raines : The people i Europe have decided no matter what they did for Greece it is not going tro work , Papandreu will have to leave the country , they will default and go back to the Drachma , Belgium too is in terrible shape , Spain and Italy are not better off Portugal and Ireland will end up like Greece , Europe is going to have some very difficult problems followed by the UK and the US nobody is going to escape this ...

Silver shortage or not ? Bill Murphy vs. Jeff Christian

The Great Silver Debate Jeff Christian (CPM Group) vs. Bill Murphy (GATA)

Silver Shortage was reported in South Arabia just in October 2011, most of the dealers shut down their sites when paper price hit 26 $. How this guy can explain the backwardation in silver and in gold futures. he admitted that COMEX does not hold enough physical to honor all contracts they issue. Silver & Gold will be legal tender. There is more Gold on planet earth than Silver. Either way everyone wins if they are out of paper markets & currencies. There is obvious disconnect from silver production and silver use for many years. Lets have an audit of SLV custodian depositories. Eric Sprott was not able to get 4 M OZ in 2010 for his found for very long. Pert Mint is sold out of most popular coins for long time, why would they just melt those 1000 OZ bars into coins if Mint really have the surplus of inventories? Why premiums on physical are getting higher ? If he is right there is just too many paper USD for the amount of real money.He has been in trouble since he admitted the silver paper contract s vs physical silver leverage of multiples of 100 the metal is not there. Morgan is buying out contracts left and right...if Perth has it I'm sure Morgan would love to get its hands on it Any market that is dominated by a handful of traders is necessarily "manipulated" even if the big players don't mean to, just their actions alone would move the market. They could be idiots and still make money by accident. On the flip side, the smaller traders could be brilliant and still be taken for a ride just for playing along.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Bob Chapman interviewed at his Home in the Jungle

Bob Chapman interviewed at his Home in the Jungle this is obviously just a satirical video , it was posted on the latest International Forecaster , Soon we might all of us end up in a jungle hiding from big brother and the intrusive governments

Eric Sprott on the Gold & Silver Market Manipulation

Eric Sprott is a great spokesperson for investing in gold and silver. He has a solid, logical delivery.He mentioned gold/silver stocks are undervalued vs. physical. Bob Chapman also mentioned that gold/silver stocks in the past have out performed the physical when prices go up.  I believe in 100% physical, but there are some people out there who have the capital & don't want the risk, or don't have the room to hold millions of dollars in physical PM. They may also have a lot of physical & wish to take advantage of cheap paper gold/silver.Bank runs are happening in the U.S. too and they, the Fed, banksters and politicians are hiding the problem except Ron Paul who is the only person who either understands the problem or has the balls enough to try to educate the public about its insidiousness.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

David Morgan: Silver Price Manipulation, Delivery Default & Supply Shortage Risks

David Morgan : Silver Price Manipulation, Delivery Default & Supply Shortage Risks , the silver market is not a free market and it is being manipulated but not to the level many people consider it being manipulated says the silver guru David Morgan "the overall trend in gold and silver cannot be manipulated " . David Morgan is publisher of The Morgan Report on precious metals and proprietor of He is also the author of "Get the Skinny on Silver Investing" David is a long-time expert on the precious metals markets and how they operate and actively consults for investors, hedge funds, mining companies, depositories, and bullion dealers.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

The Situation in Europe is Terminal

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - 19 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman : as usual your government is attacking the market , it attacked commodities very hard as well , the reason is this Situation in Europe is Terminal , they said they are reorganize the banks which means they are going to save them all , the bankers in wall street and in the City of London they own your life they own your existence and it is going to get worse not better the manipulation will continue until they can't do it anymore , the inflation will continue until they can't do it anymore and you are going to have the media full of charlatans until they can't do it anymore and if Ron Paul is not elected you better get ready for a revolution says Bob Chapman ....

Eric Sprott : In the Silver Physical market all I see is BUYERS

Eric Sprott, Financial Sense NewsHour 19 Oct 2011 : In the Silver Physical market all I see is BUYERS ,

Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management joins Jim for a wide-ranging interview on precious metals. Eric sees the gold to silver ratio eventually contracting, with silver to outperform gold.Gold and Silver Producers will be the New Growth Stocks of the Decade , Eric Sprott, Financial Sense NewsHour 19 Oct 2011 : The Markets have made gold the de facto reserve currency , there are two markets for silver there is the physical market and there is the paper market and I found it almost ludicrous that when silver was close to 50 dollars an ounce then we would have days between London and China and New York when we trade a billion ounces of paper silver in a day and the world only produces 900 million a year rather than thinking about the guy who is buying it think about the guy who is selling it , somebody hit the sell button to sell a billion ounces of silver and of course without having any possibility of providing none of that silver because it is just not available , the amount that is available today is a million and a half ounces of silver for investment per day meanwhile some guy is selling a billion ounces by hitting a computer key

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Eric Sprott, the silver paper market have lost any touch with the physical market

Eric Sprott, Financial Sense NewsHour 19 Oct 2011 : The Markets have made gold the de facto reserve currency , there are two markets for silver there is the physical market and there is the paper market and I found it almost ludicrous that when silver was close to 50 dollars an ounce then we would have days between London and China and New York when we trade a billion ounces of paper silver in a day and the world only produces 900 million a year rather than thinking about the guy who is buying it think about the guy who is selling it , somebody hit the sell button to sell a billion ounces of silver and of course without having any possibility of providing none of that silver because it is just not available , the amount that is available today is a million and a half ounces of silver for investment per day meanwhile some guy is selling a billion ounces by hitting a computer key

Eric Sprott : The market has determined that gold is the reserve currency

Eric Sprott :..based on the evidence that we all see of the massive amount of silver buying vis a vis Gold where people are putting almost as many dollars in silver as they are putting in Gold but the price is fifty times different yet the same amount of money is going in and the availability for investment is in a ratio of about : there is twenty times more gold in dollars to buy than there is in silver dollars to buy for investment yet the money is going in a one to one , I know it is some kind of mathematicians but that cannot carry on something is going to give here so that's why I think that the silver price in the next decade will do better , I believe that the market has determined that gold is the reserve currency it outperformed everything by a wide wide range not even close to been comparable to anything

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report Hour 2 - October 18, 2011

Bob Chapman : there 2.76 trillion injection of leverage and in Germany that is illegal they got to have a referendum and a vote for that to happen and we see no chance of it passing that's why they are attacking gold and silver and commodities all they are doing is gaining time trying to keep the market up , they are criminals

Gold is set to shoot up like a rocket over the next weeks

Even George Soros came out recently and said that we are facing a double dip recession , so over the next few weeks with all the problems coming from the Euro zone and the US economy facing double dip recession you are going to see rising gold prices we are going to see a flight to safety in the precious metals , all the fundamentals are in place to set the gold explosion , the safest way to invest in precious metals is to physically hold on to it yourself that way there is no counter party risk you are not going to get a margin call by a broker saying you owe us more money or you are going to lose your whole position , you are in control ...

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report First HR - October 18, 2011

Bob Chapman : this is nothing but market manipulation they drove the price of gold and silver down they won't stay down . they are scared to death ....they are going to nationalize all the banks

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gold & Silver are not commodities they are Money - Mike Maloney

Mike Maloney is back to talk about the recent pullbacks we saw in Gold and particularly in silver , he says that we should not look at Gold and Silver as commodities , gold and silver are in fact MONEY , there will come a day when all the technical analysis are wrong and gold and silver will take off alike a rocket , all the fiat currencies are headed to ZERO , Mike Maloney explains even if you bought at the peak do not worry use these pullbacks as discounts and take advantage of them to buy more physical gold and silver , do not pay attention to this short term noise , Mike Maloney bought silver when it was over 40 and he is still buying now that it is on the 30s ,every pullback is a gift , this is temporary go long and stay long

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Silver Manipulation: Fact or Fiction? Bill Murphy vs Jeff Christian

This coming October 22nd, in Spokane there will be a heated debate between Bill Murphy of GATA and Jeff Christian of CPM Group about the topic of the alleged silver manipulation and shortage , silver manipulation and shortages claims that there is no silver shortage whatsoever and that a $100 an ounce silver is far fetched and may take longer to become reality , This blog will post this interesting debate as soon as it will become available so stay tuned

Gold has become the premier currency of the World

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - October 17, 2011

Greece is thinking of bringing mercenaries from Britain to keep their people in line , Greece could default in the next 3 to 4 weeks , the illuminus who have planed this do not know which way to run , they are afraid for their lives , the Inflation will be 14 to 15 percent by the end of this year , we are going to see violence all around the world , The Yen is being used as a instrument to gain leverage that's why it is so strong ....

The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society officially launched RMB-denominated spot transaction today

Hong Kong starts trading gold in Yuan .They've decided to move completely away from the dollar. Smart move.The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society officially launched RMB-denominated spot transaction gold products on Oct. 17. It became the first RMB-denominated spot trading market in the world.

GOLD Investors Beware of Thailand Financial Advisers

There are more and more stories about people being scammed in Thailand when they want to buy gold or precious metals and by financial advisers promising high returns on your investments , the rule of thumb as always if it is too good to be true then it can't be true ...20% Interest a Month,so that's 240% interest in 1 year......sounds to good to be true it usually is! ..know who you are doing business with....try to stay within your country for business...don't deal with someone called GoldFinger...they broke all these rules.

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - October 17, 2011

Bob Chapman : the way the American government is going to nationalize all the banks is by for example taking Bank of America , leave it with all the good assets and create a Bank of America B would be another bank and all the bad assets will be put in there and so supposedly everything will be OK , they have already done that in Europe incidentally ,

Bob Chapman : China is terrified of having a revolution

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - October 17, 2011

I am waiting for gold & Silver to go higher , China have problems too Europe and America are in dire situation , China is terrified of having a revolution , everybody have a problems it's a communist economy ...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - 17 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman : these protests have one goal and that's to give the government an excuse for martial law and gun grab from the people , Carlos Slim is a front man for the Illuminati , all his assets belong to the Illuminati when he will die it will be all theirs ...

JP Morgan confirms its $2500/oz Gold prediction

JPMorgan has been calling for gold to ump to 2500 an ounce by the year's end, but in the past month the metal has fallen ten percent. Insight on where prices are headed, with Colin Fenton, JPMorgan chief commodities strategist."i think we'll be right. there is a question about what time horizon which is a classic economic stroke but i think the key point to take away is in late summer the risk in the gold market doubled. that gold you don't necessarily see that. we can measure it through the implied volatility of the options. they're now at 30%. that was at 15 for most of this year. keep in mind we're talking essentially about a rock, something very easy to store. to have a volatility higher than many equities is a pretty remarkable fact." says olin Fenton, JPMorgan chief commodities strategist.

Bob Chapman - Jeff Crouere - Oct 14 2011

Bob Chapman - Jeff Crouere - Oct 14 2011

Bob Chapman : they are chasing their own tails , they keep on throwing money at the problems without solving them ....the inflation and jobless rates are higher than what the government admits , Social Security is not an entitlement people paid for it , instead of occupy Wall Street we should instead Occupy the FED , the people who finded Occupy Wall street are George Soros their solution looks like it was written by Karl Marx....

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight - October 15, 2011

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight - October 15, 2011 Bob Chapman : insider trading naked shorting and the algorithmic trading are all illegal activities and they are allowed to do it , the market is rigged , George Soros was convicted of insider trading in France

Saturday, October 15, 2011

JPM & HSBC joined us in Longing Silver says Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman says that JPM & HSBC have now covered their shorts in Silver and are ready to long gold and silver , so expect the prices to shoot to the moon if not further , the owners of the FED who were short gold and silver particularly Silver they decided to take gold down but it kept coming back again but they covered all their shorts , silver short positions dropped from 65 000 to 18 900 says Bob Chapman , so expect them now to go long , they have joined us that means there will be no resistance for gold after $1900 and for silver at $50

Bob Chapman on How to expatriate

Bob Chapman : The economy is not going to get any better the whole world is falling down and some countries will do better than others , so if you do not like where you are expatriate says Bob Chapman , who explains that you do not necessarily need to buy a house to live in another country you just have to apply as an immigrant and meet their visa requirement and you also need to have your assets with you which is becoming more difficult to expatriate your wealth outside the reach of Big Brother , good luck to all those trying to expatriate ....

Bob Chapman : Buy Gold and Silver NOW

Bob Chapman is saying JP will sell short once it hits $100 sending it to $75. Long Term holders keep holding and get in now. Every week a few. JP is going to let the band go! Up Up and away. Chapman is a good man and before retiring was in the Metals business for 30 years. All this game has ever been about from the beginning is - 1. Understanding the fundamentals and then taking the appropriate position. And 2. Sitting tight and being patient, whilst adding to your postion whenever an opportunity arises. To me it has always been obvious that the market forces WILL win out in the end.

Bob Chapman : I believe that JP Morgan Chase and HSBC which are holding 90 percent of the silver shorts have covered almost all of them , Period , now what are they going to do ? they are going to do what any person would do who is in the market to make money they are going to go LONG ....the short game is over when we will get to 50 dollars there will be no resistance because these guys will be long in front of you they'll make a pile of money and if it runs to $100 they will sell what they have got and they'll double it and go short they are going to go back to $75 , see you people out there can't think like a trader , I did it for 25 years , I know how the game works , and The Big Overhang in Silver is Gone that's why they delay the CFTC meeting from the 4th of October to the 18th gives them time to settle all their trades , so the answer to your question : BUY it is going one way straight right to $50/oz , same thing with GOLD it is going to go back up to $1923/oz and it is going to go through up to $2200/oz and it could happen within the next month , Gold might run to $300/oz by the end of February ...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bob Chapman : America is the most corrupt country in the world

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - 14 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman : The Banking community in Europe is terrified , today is Bob Chapman's Birthday !!!!!!!

America is the most corrupt country in the world says Bob Chapman , most coin dealers have no business background they are only good salesmen ...

Soros wants to turn these demonstrations into Riots

Bob Chapman - Interview with Mr. Lendman - October 13, 2011

Bob Chapman : people like George Soros want to turn these demonstrations into riots in order to have the president of the United States declare Martial Law

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 13 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 13 Oct 2011 : Bob speaks about the occupy Wall street and occupy the FED movements the outlook for gold and silver the debtsituation in Europe and in particular Greece and many other subjects....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Silver is the best way to generate wealth - Chris Duane

Kerry Lutz Interview with The Silver Shield Chris Duane 10-13-11 : despite of all the manipulation that's going on Silver is still the best way to generate wealth says Chris Duane . Chris just released his latest project, The Ultimate Exit Strategy! Junk silver has nothing of junk it is real wealth and it is the best way to invest in Silver

Bob Chapman : The Rothschild had to bailout french Banks


Bob Chapman : The french banks are dreadful , The Rothschild had go in and bailout Societee Generale and Credit Agricole , they are very very exposed to the Greek's debt , they bought credit Default swaps

Bob Chapman : this is another False Flag Terrorist Operation to start war with Iran

Bob Chapman Freedom Files 13 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman : this is another False Flag Terrorist Operation to start war with Iran what else would you expect from such a government , the president approval rating is around 35 percent , this is an absolute insult to the American people and to their intelligence this creation of an Iranian mad man ....


Breaking News - My Australian contact got a letter. The Perth mint is out of silver. Here is the actual letter my contact received. Feel free to repost this video on your channel. I've had problems ordering from the Royal Canadian Mint for a week now. Some orders haven't arrived, in particular my Kangaroo at Sunset coin. When I contacted the mint I waited for 45 minutes to get through on the phone and once I spoke to someone the person on the phone said their computers Crashed last week. He also said that it would take until next week to get the problem with my online account fixed.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet


Do you like Maples or Eagles? the Canadian Maple Leaf, it's point, nine, nine, nine, compared to the US Silver Eagle, which is point, nine, nine, nine." I think you meant, point, nine, nine, nine, nine.the difference is .0007, and in my opinion, the difference is not worth favoring one over the other simply because of that. If you want .99999 silver coins go to Royal Silver More pure then the Maple Leafs

Platinum is irresistible at this point says Mickey Fulp

Kerry Lutz interviews Mickey Fulp - 13 Oct 2011 , it is quite unusual that Platinum is cheaper than Gold by more than a 100 dollars which is very unusual the last time this happened was in 1992 or 1993 says Mickey Fulp , usually platinum is always trading at a premium over gold . he adds that at this juncture he prefers to buy Platinum to Gold

Bob Chapman : Gold is the only currency in the world that have survived

Bob Chapman : There is two reason why Gold went up , one it is the only currency in the world that have survived , there have been millions of different currencies they did not survive , and silver survived but historically it has more abundant than gold so it did not play the premier role that gold has but it may in the future because production is changing , you do not want to own currencies because historically everybody that have owned them have lost money lost wealth ...the other reason why gold went up is because of inflation....

Bob Chapman on Platinum and Palladium

Bob Chapman recommends to buy platinum as a speculator but not as an investor , platinum have become than gold recently , but Bob Chapman recommends caution : "as a speculator yes , as an investor no , I keep life simple there is nothing wrong about buying platinum and palladium but I think the greatest gains because of the things I just described in Gold and Silver "Bob Chapman prefers to buy gold and Silver related assets and hold on and go for the long term , go long and stay long and do not approach this as something that will make you rich , you are trying to preserve your wealth....

Gold trading gains some ground on Slovak vote

Bullish on Gold Michael McCormick, director of Belvedere Share Managers, sees opportunity to profit in gold and advises to invest in oversold mid-cap gold producers.The European debt problems are going to play favorably for the Gold and Silver as a safe heaven to run to in these times on uncertainties , the Slovakia's vote to reject expansion of the euro zone bailout fund, and it's impact on Europe's banks and a Greek default,....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ron Hera : Fiat currency always die and goes to Zero

Kerry Lutz Interviews Ron Hera 10-12-2011 : Ron Hera of joins us for a discussion of monetary mismanagement, fiat currency, why gold and silver are your best bets in this awful economic period. Ron states that we never really came out of the 2009 economic collapse and that we are headed for more rough economic waters. Ron’s background makes him ideally suited to discuss these issues. He’s a self described “escapee” from Silicon Valley, California. Originally a serial entrepreneur and private investor in communications software and mobile technology, Ron turned his attention to investing in natural resources, such as precious metals, after the dot-com bubble and stock market crash of 2000. He knows what he’s talking about so please pay attention.

Gold has been money for 6000 years

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - 12 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman : Going back 6000 years Gold is the only money , all the currencies today are not worth Gold , and if you look over the past ten years you'll see each year versus nine major currencies gold outperformed each currency by at least 20 percent each year .....Buy gold coins when nobody wants them there will be a time when people will be rushing to gold and silver that there will be any to but for all of us , so buy now while still few people want them ....

Bank of America will be nationalized

Bob Chapman - THE POWER HOUR - October 11, 201

Bob Chapman : The Belgians are already bankrupt , France is not in that good shape either , Dexia used a lot of money to purchase municipals in the United States , the American public will have to pay for all the bad assets inside Bank of America just as what happened with Dexia in Europe

Grant Williams : Gold ready to shoot up

Grant Williams : Gold is more of a safe heaven at the moment than anything else there are problems in Europe we got problems in the US and in China there is no shortage of catalysts , the chances are we seen the bottom and gold is ready to have a nice rally from here says Grant Williams all the catalysts for an explosion in price are there

JPM & HSBC are going to go long on silver after having covered their short naked positions recently

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report 11th October 2011 [FULL]

Bob Chapman : Slovakia told the EU to go take a hike and that they will not participate in any further bailing out for Greece or any other Euro zone country , we may have another war on demand with Iran which has been accused recently for plotting some terrorist attacks inside the US , if Greece does not get the money then they will have a war between Greece and its ally Israel against Turkey that will get the pot boiling , the gold and silver equities are so undervalued so I would long them if I were a trader , the Hedge Funds are not long gold and silver shares they are short , when we came down this time something unusual happened , the net naked short position in silver is down , Morgan and HSBC and other have covered their short positions in Silver and they are going to go long

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet is a communist thing and it is financed by George Soros,

Bob Chapman with SGT - Oct 11, 2011

Bob Chapman : The Justice department is using Bank of America to be able to intercept communications both on the Internet as well as voice communications . Occupy Wallstreet is a communist thing and it is financed by George Soros,

France & Germany ready to abound the Euro

Bob Chapman : France and Germany are getting ready to abandon the failing euro and go back to their previous national currencies , in fact both France and Germany have starter to respectively re-print the Franc and the Deutschmark , Gold and Silver prices are ready to shoot up again as it seems that JPM and HSBC have already covered most of their short positions in silver so there is no more reasons for them to knock the price down , expect Silver to go back up over $50/oz and Gold to over $2200/oz and may be $300/oz before the next February , they just cannot hold the market down for ever says Bob Chapman ....