Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bob Chapman : The Goal is to have the US president declare Martial Law

Bob Chapman - Real News Radio - Nov. 5, 2011

Bob Chapman : Bill Copper was executed because he kew what was going on he was spot on , , that's what the United States Government does to people people like myself are in the same position that's why I do not live in the United States says Bob Chapman ,

Silver : if you cannot hold it , you do not own it

Silver : if you do not hold it , you do not own it says expert Mike Maloney ...I would like to hear Mike's opinion on the CME recent news to go in effect on Monday. Really. That is big news!!!!!! ...The CME margin hike is going to raise hell in the commodities market. There will be a fire sale on PMs. Sunday night futures market should be very interesting. I hope your flat bed is empty... back it up baby, back it up!

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 04 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman : the best thing for Greece top do is to default and go back to the Drachma ...Italy could be a catastrophe , Berusconi is in hotter hot seat than Papandreu and on to of that he thinks he is a 22 years old and he is going from one orgy to another , even the Italians cannot handle that