Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bob Chapman - Timothy Geithner is in Europe to give them marching orders

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 07 Dec 2011 Timothy Geithner is in Europe to give them marching orders , there is at least for the time being an exodus of the players from the COMEX , you have no protection whatsoever , buy what suitable for you and do not believe everything you hear from sone wannabe experts says Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman - Get your money out of the Banks

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report 2011.12.06 : Get your money out of the Banks , there are bankruns going on in Greece and Italy Bob Chapman explains people finally started listening to his recommendations he was advising people for years

Gold to $2,075/oz in 2012 says Global Commodity Analyst

Tom Price, Global Commodity Analyst at UBS AG, says uncertainty in the global economy will see the price of gold reach an annual average of $2,075 next year.