Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to play The Gold & Silver Dip

Jeff Kilburg, TreasuryCurve, discusses the play on the dip in the gold and silver , as oil prices slip. "The GLD, the 162 level. looks like it's running up to the 170. i think it's bringing silver with it. we're seeing people pile into this trade. as we've seen the last year or so, everything gets crowded. it's not over yet in my mind." says Jeff Kilburg

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading 18 January 2012

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading 18 January 2012 : Bob Chapman talks about the debt crisis in Euro and the behind the scenes diplomatic wars going on , how the big banks in Europe are broke , and how the federal reserve may step in as usual and buy all the paper then he talks about where he sees gold and silver prices going and many other issues

The Indian Gold Market decline and its impact

The Indian jewelery demand falling off the cliff in the third quarter of the last year , but we will see some improvement this year , India is the largest consumer and importer of gold we will probably see a decline in that market year after year but we will continue to see robust demand from the other gigantic Asian market that of China , India is the world's largest consumer of gold, and for centuries, gold has held an allure for Indian women. It also forms an integral part of an Indian wedding where parents of the bride give their daughter gold jewelry as her dowry and a means of financial security. But the high prices at the moment are worrying some traditional consumers.