Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd hour - 23 January 2012

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd hour - 23 January 2012 : Greece is on the verge of bankruptcy , what the European Central Bank is doing is illegal , you can have a sound economy based on debt and credit , they will keep the Ponzi schemes going until the whole financial system collapses

....Click Here to listen to Hour2 of Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd hour - 23 January 2012>>>

France will leave the Euro

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 23 January 2012 : France will leave the Euro , either it is Marine Lepen that wins or the most likely socialist party candidate Francois Hollande they both want France to leave the Euro , the pro European Sarkozy is very low in the polls and his chances of winning are grim

Iran to sell its Oil for Gold

Iran to sell its Oil for Gold ,what will you have real money in gold or silver or fiat promissory note that looses value daily ! Gaddafi tried to get gold for oil and we all know what NATO did. Let's see what happens here....the smart people form the west are with Iran. We can see the fraud of the elite machine (Rothschild, USA, Britain, Rockefeller, English Royals, Dutch Royals, George Soros, Hitlery Clinton, Bush Snr, Lowry, Silverstein, Bernake, Berzynsky, Murdoch, etc...) They are trying to keep the petrol dollar going as long as possible and the Corporate Warlords in Power, simple as that. One of those US Freedoms WE want to spread/share with the world.Thats right, The system is not sustainable,Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling 1.3 trillion dollars,This is to cover debt owed to other countries.As you can see the dollar is loosing power as the worlds reserve currency.Replace it with the true world currency.. Silver and gold are money and nothing else.