Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bob Chapman on the Illegal Immigration

Bob Chapman Illegal Immigration is wrong no matter how you look at it , and the jobs are not there , the government is saying one thing and the guys at the border patrols are saying another thing , we can see more border controls all over the southern states that have borders with Mexico ...the elite need cheap labor , but now with the jobs shrinking many illegal aliens are going back home .....

James Turk Gold Outlook for 2012

James Turk, Director of The GoldMoney Foundation, gives his perspective on the Gold Market for 2012 at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference on January 23, 2012 : James Turk believes that 2012 is going to be the year of the big gold rally and that the low was during the first week of January and that we have been moving from that low ever since , matter of fact the factors that have been driving gold up in the last years are still there the problems have not been solved and as long as the problems have not been solved one has to be optimistic about the future of Gold James Turk says

Bob Chapman - Alex Jones Show - January 27, 2012

Bob Chapman - Alex Jones Show - January 27, 2012 : QE3 is on its way there are trillions of money flowing from the FED to the ECB and nobody in the main stream media is talking about it , they will use that money to buy their own bonds , Greece will more likely default , Davos is just another Bilderberg meeting geared towards economy and finance and silver are going to go through the roof