Friday, February 10, 2012

Bob Chapman - Gold Radio Cafe - February 10, 2012

Bob Chapman - Gold Radio Cafe - February 10, 2012 : Greece is on the edge of anarchy , may be they will have martial law it is an on going saga , the longer these trouble last the worse it is for the Euro ....

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Bob Chapman : The FED wants Obama reelected

Bob Chapman in A Marines Disquisition with Drew Malone Raines - February 9, 2012 : The federal reserves will do everything possible to have Obama re-elected and that's what QE3 is all about , they'll try to hide all the dreadful statistics , but they will be unsuccessful says Bob Chapman , there are millions of Americans today that live on some form or the other of government largess

Listen to internet radio with Drew Malone Raines on Blog Talk Radio

Jim Rogers : Gold over $2,000/oz , but not this year

Jim Rogers : "I do not think it (GOLD ) will go to $2,000 this year, no. I own it and I am not planning on selling it. It will go over $2,000 one day, but not this year," - in investmentweek