Monday, February 20, 2012

Bob Chapman : The Bankers are not as powerful as they think they are

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - February 20, 2012 : The bankers are not as powerful as they think they are , the icelendic have done the absolute right thing and now they have fully recovered from the financial crisis that was created by the bankers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bob Chapman : The Rothschild run Europe

Bob Chapman : everybody in Europe knows that the Rothschild and the Banks run the show , Bob Chapman suggests that we take the banking system from them , cause they are able to control the world through the control of the banking and the financial system , what's going on in Greece is very serious and could very well spread all over Europe and even in America

Buy Gold as an insurance policy not as an investment

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight 18 Feb 2012 : buy Gold as an insurance policy not as an investment , gold will break out this year , a 2100 and 2200 dollars an ounce is easy this year says Bob Chapman , sooner or later the prices are going to go extraordinarily higher so I do not worry about where it is going I just know it is going up explains Bob Chapman Gold is the safest place to be , but the safest way is to take hold of your gold do not store it overseas it is not safe