Monday, February 27, 2012

James Turk : Gold price has risen in US dollar terms at an average annual rate of appreciation of 17% during the last 11 years

James Turk : Yes, gold doesn't provide yield because it doesn't have counterparty risk. If you want to put your gold at risk and lend it to someone you can generate yield on that. So right now people don't want that counterparty risk because they don't know whether their gold is going to be returned or whether the euro's they haven't deposited in their bank is going to be returned, if the bank goes belly-up, or the purchasing power of the euros they put on deposit will be returned because of inflation as a result of all the quantitative easing and money printing that's going on around the world. So you can't really look at some of those "straw man" arguments against gold because they don't think they carry any weight. The more important thing is what's been actually happening in over the last 11 years - the gold price has risen in US dollar terms at an average annual rate of appreciation of 17%. Now have you been earning 17% on your dollar deposits or euro deposits every year? You haven't and so gold is going to become more and more attractive as people understand that gold is still undervalued and still very much useful, and you know, valuation is more important than price. They are different things - as long as an asset is undervalued you should continue to accumulate it and by all my historical measures, gold is still undervalued. - in mineweb

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gold Finishes Up 2.93% for the Week, Silver Up 29% Since 1/1/2012

Gold Finishes Up 2.93% for the Week, Silver Up 29% Since 1/1/2012 folks keep on staking gold and silver they are still very cheap because The Great Depression will look like a small blip compared to the economic collapse the United States is about to suffer, according to several experts. But Congress refuses to listen and do what's necessary to stave off disaster. Worse, Congress has been warned year after year since at least 1992, and perhaps before that.The federal budget is structurally unbalanced. This will do increasing damage to the economy and is unsustainable in the long term. Regardless of the approach chosen, prompt and meaningful action is essential. The longer it is delayed, the more painful it will be.

Bob Chapman : Best Countries to Expatriate to are Chile Costa Rica & Mexico

Bob Chapman once again is asked where is best for American citizens to expatriate to especially with the coming of this police state that we can see everyday happening in America , Europe is too expensive unless you are a millionaire , Australia starts already to have the same problems of America no wonder it is the same empire ruled by the same elite , same thing for New Zealand which has recently restricted foreigners from buying land , Canada is showing signs of slowdown and it will endure the same problems as America but to a lesser extent , this leave us with only 3 countries in south America that are non fascist and non communist and where the economy is doing well these countries according to Bob Chapman are : Chile Costa Rica and Mexico