Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - March 28, 2012

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - March 28, 2012 , the best and safest investment is gold it has been going on for 12 years , in just the last ten years the dollar have lost most of its value , the dollar as a reserve currency is toast , this thing will come to an end in the next 3 to 4 years may be sooner says Bob Chapman , the paper game will end sooner or later ....

Gold - Independent Money

Short animation arguing for re-introduction of gold as money because of its independence. Written and narrated by Dominic Frisby. Animated by Pola Gruszka. Sponsored by Gold Resource Corporation. the fundamentals and principals behind gold are rock solid (pun intended). Just look at the central banks of all the wealthy countries hoarding gold like crazy. Gold is also being heavily used in small electronics now days. All of this new smart phones have a decent amount of gold. Gold conducts electricity very well even on a nano level. So yes, gold does have other uses.

the interest rate system must be abolished as well. it is mathematically impossible to pay back interest, and the interest on the interest, with a fixed money supply (as it would be with gold, since gold mining is projected to run out sometime the next 30 years, thus money supply would then be stable) so interest rates are fraud to begin with and can only lead to more money printing to pay the banks -> inflation, or implosion of the system. also, fractional reserve banking is fraud

India uses Gold to purchase Iranian Oil

Good for India and Iran. Stick it to the elite's Imperialism. The US machine always wants more money and control and it is willing to go to war for it.Gold is much better than the U.S. dollar. Even Dr. Ron Paul would agree with this. China, Russia, India and Iran must form the basis of an Asian Alliance . Unfortunately Here's what you can expect in response: Staged terrorist attacks in India by US proxies and a vilification by US media towards India (as they do today with China and Russia).I suspect this is a tactic to keep Obama in office for a second term. THINK ABOUT US history there has NEVER been a change in president during wartime! Who set the US and EU on this damned path to ruin? "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within."