Monday, April 9, 2012

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 09 April 2012

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 09 April 2012 : today was a good day for Gold , Gold is in fact up while the DOW is down quite unusual , despite the government trying its best to keep gold and silver prices down says Bob Chapman

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bob Chapman - Goldseek Radio - 06 Apr 2012

Bob Chapman on Goldseek Radio - 06 Apr 2012 Gold stocks have been manipulated but the fundamentals are there , they are undervalued you should accumulate more they are set to rally says Bob Chapman

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bob Chapman : Europe will be the Financial Catalyst for the Global Collapse

Bob Chapman - Free American Hour - April 6, 2012 Greece is going down and with it Spain Ireland and Portugal none of them can dig its way out of the hole not even in 50 years says Bob Chapman , those events will raise havoc in the US and England , in the second half of the year people will start seeing that England and the US have the same problems