Monday, April 23, 2012

Ron Paul on Gold Standard & Paper Money Moral Hazard

"I want a market economy," says GOP presidential candidate, Ron Paul " what I want is a market economy. I don't want the dependency as a matter of fact, that's the big disadvantage of paper because of the moral hazard. if we get into trouble, we always know the lender of last resort. it was set up for that reason. the lender of last resort gambled , do anything, take risks, the government's insurance. so they get into trouble. but if they get into trouble, they shouldn't come and rescue the economy. they shouldn't be bailing out general motors in these trillions of dollars in both the fed and congress, that was set up. And i complained about that for ten years. you know, this line of credit of fannie mae, freddie mac. and they overdo things. they overinvest. a lot of times they talk about the inflation, about the price level. But really the biggest problem with inflating the money supply and giving you artificially low interest rates is the mal investment..."

Bob Chapman: What got me involved in Gold and Silver

Bob Chapman: What got me involved in gold and silver related assets in the early 1960s were as a result of my work in counterintelligence in the middle to late 1950s. Once I found out who ran things and how I became a hard-money thinker. It just didn't seem right to me that a few individuals held so much power, and did so in secret. The people in the intelligence community are basically a kind of Praetorian Guard. They're supposedly there to fight crime and protect national interests, but when you really look at what they're doing, it has more to do with protecting elite interests. If either the general population or the politicians get out of the line, there's this enormous intelligence community with the resources to make sure that they step back in. - in Daily Bell

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bill Murphy : JP Morgan manipulating the Gold Market

Bill Murphy of GATA explains how the Gold Cartels ( JP Morgan and co) are manipulation the gold and silver markets , and he explains why to understand the gold and silver markets it is fundamental to know what GATA knows and be familiar with the gold price suppression scheme. How outstanding gold loans and massive paper gold shorts have distorted the market and how this is now unravelling. He talks about GATA's past predictions and how their track record is much better than mainstream gold commentators because these are working with the wrong numbers. He also talks about silver manipulation. Good on Bill Murphy for attacking the evil cartel, must have given him high blood pressure over the years. Excellent interview