Sunday, April 29, 2012

Peter Schiff : Betting Against Gold Has Been The Wrong Trade

Peter Schiff : " I think a lot of the professional money managers, professional speculators, they’ve been betting against this gold bull market for the the last ten years. Betting against gold has been the wrong trade."

Peter Schiff : The Next Big Move In Gold Will Be Up

Peter Schiff : " The bottom line here is gold is headed much higher and the next big move in gold will be up. People who speculate are betting on a huge drop in gold. That’s what the gold stocks are forecasting. They are forecasting a precipitous decline." - in Kitcomm

The Free-Market has been overtaken By Elitists and their Monetary Creations

Bob Chapman : Yes, I would say so. Regulation is necessary in my opinion not theoretically but pragmatically – regulation that should protect the working-man and the middle class. They have the most to lose. Most of the 20th century was spent on workers rights and rightly so. Conditions and wages were dreadful. As a result of labor unions we established a large middle class, which formed the backbone of our country. What the future holds for unions I cannot say. It depends on how the depression plays out. The forces at play are extremely powerful and there needs to be some sort of organized mechanism that counteracts what has been created. While we can see that the free-market has been overtaken to a degree by elitists and their monetary creations, the question of how to live in such a world are real and immediate. In the long-term education may work but in the short term various entities, including those that some might call populist, have a role to play. - in DailyBail