Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jim Rogers Bullish on Gold but Would Rather Buy Silver Today

Jim Rogers Bullish on Gold but Would Rather Buy Silver Today
  • “Gold is up 11 years in a row. Gold is consolidating now, a well-deserved consolidation. I own gold, I’m not selling gold. If gold goes down, I’ll buy more.”
  • He’s bullish gold will eventually go well over $2,000 an ounce but said corrections of between 30% and 40% are normal.
  • Rogers owns all the metals but said if he had to buy one today, it would be silver.
- in ETFtrades

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Alfred Adask - Financial Survival - June 22, 2012

Melody & Alfred - Financial Survival - June 22, 2012 :

so it's Confirmed! NO QE3 yet! Operation Twist Extended.. Now what? The money supply can be expanded in a few other ways, so now while everyone is over here watching the QE sock puppet dance around to your left, the real show is happening on the right with all of the machinations I described below. Instead of a liquidity flood, its a steady trickle. Do we really want metals prices that have future money printing expectations priced into them? I think not. I think most metals holders really want a slow steady rise. I know that is what I want.

Robert & Kim Kiyosaki educational live presentation at NAC

Robert & Kim Kiyosaki's educational live presentation at NAC Choice segments from Robert & Kim Kiyosaki's educational live presentation at NAC. Assisted by his Rich Dad advisers, Robert focuses on the principle of infinite ROI and the crucial importance of understanding tax (so you can legally avoid paying any). He stresses that, even though he says we are close to a depression, this is a time for great opportunity and the answer is entrepreneurship

The credit cards and grocery stores came later and our dependence on them is our weakness. Getting of our backside and growing our own food can keep us self--sufficient. Dont worry too much. We already grow our own vegetables and it costs very little. Invest in land and grow your own food. Its cheaper .It is interesting that while the three main Western ratings agencies based in New York and London give the US a AAA, or AA+ rating, the Chinese ratings agency Dagong gives the US an A rating, This is the fifth highest credit rating level, which the US shares with Russia, Spain (which was recently bailed for $1 trillion out by the EU), South Africa and Estonia. This is significant as it is China which is the biggest lender to the US. What if China ever decides that US lending is too risky?

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.