Wednesday, September 19, 2012

David Morgan Endorses The New Coin Silver Bullet Silver Shield.

David Morgan, Chris Duane and Rob Grey talk about new coin Silver Bullet Silver Shield.

What ever happened to "an ounce is an ounce is an ounce" .., but I guess this new silver round is better???? I'll stick to junk silver and eagles, that way when the SHTF , the guy down the road will hand me a weeks supply of his produce and not shoot me in the head for trying to barter something that virtually no one has seen before, and just looks like another potentially counterfeit Chinese coin. Bitcoins next????, just another scheme, I'll pass by the way Private Currency/Money can be confiscated as well,

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

QE-Infinity to Push Gold Up to $2,400 - Francisco Blanch

“The new target reflects our view that the Fed will maintain mortgage purchases until the end of 2014 and will move to buy Treasuries following the end of Operation Twist this coming December,”
“Given the new open-ended nature of QE3, the upward pressure on gold prices should continue until employment is strong enough to require a change in policy," "In our view, this is unlikely to happen until the end of 2014.” “The combination of open-ended MBS purchases and the possibility of additional Treasury bond purchases starting in December could further lift gold prices by adding over $2 trillion to the Fed’s balance sheet over the next two years,” wrote Francisco Blanch in his report entitled “Gold Under QE-Infiniti.” - via CNBC

Jim Rogers: The Gold Price is going to go much Higher over the next decade

Jim Rogers :
I own precious metals because i expect more money printing… i own gold, i am not selling gold, whenever gold goes down i buy more, if it goes down a lot i hope i’m smart enough to buy a lot more because the price is going to go much higher over the next decade.
Politicians around the world are printing a lot of money that’s the wrong thing to do, but that’s what they’re doing and whenever they print money the way to protect yourself is own gold, silver, platinum, palladium, any precious item will protect you in time like that.
- in CNBC