Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Silver Shortage and the next Bullion Bank Run!

Ryan Brooks Silver Salvation ,The creation of Gold and Silver ETFs, as well as the growth of the precious metals derivatives market, has had a dramatic effect on prices. We talk to Bill Murphy about how growth in precious metals derivatives and ETFs has led to shifts in the metals market. He tells us why we should be concerned that HSBC and JP Morgan serve as custodians for the major gold ETF, the GLD, and the major silver ETF, the SLV, when they also have large short positions in gold and silver. At the end, truth will prevail. The precious metals "paper" market and the banksters manipulation games eventually will be unmasked.Government cant survive with higher interest payments upon its debt. Federal Govt. pays about 400-600billion a year for interest alone on its debt. Any increase in the interest rates will bankrupt the govt,, this is why deficit spending is so huge. Federal Govt. is merely a protection arm of the federal reserve bank. Welcome to the "United States of the Federal Reserve."

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Marc Faber : I would rather be long precious metals than industrial commodities

"I would rather be long precious metals than industrial commodities," said Marc Faber at the annual London Bullion Market Association conference this week "Gold is not anywhere close to a bubble stage," "I keep in my toilet a picture of Mr. Bernanke. And every time I think about selling my gold, I look at it and I know better!" he added

James Turk & Max Keiser on the 2nd Anniversary of Crash JP Morgan buy Silver

The historical Au:Ag ratio of 16:1 does not account for past industrial use and subsequent waste... and future industrial use and..  recycling costs. Any other ratio is simply speculation. But silver, is my only intuitive recommendation.

In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert present the two year anniversary special of their Crash JPM, Buy Silver campaign. They discuss JP Morgan doing everything to protect the Queen of their massive silver short position - a position that has DOUBLED in the past two years according to Rob Kirby of GATA and Kirby Analytics. They also discuss Central Banks pullling on their own little bungee cords by printing money. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to James Turk of about the link between liberty and gold and the shooting war to follow the currency war. The also discuss the gold/silver ratio and why silver today is like gold at $600.