Tuesday, July 2, 2013

JOHN WILLIAMS : safe haven flight will be to GOLD

Episode 137: Félix Moreno interviews John Williams of shadowstats.com. John, a trained economist, provides economic data and reporting that often contradicts the official line coming from US Government reporting. Many people put more trust in his economic data than the official statistics.

John explains why he set up shadowstats and the problem with the official US inflation index, and the distortions it may have on broader economic measures.

Money supply (including the M3 measure, which is still calculated by John) is discussed. John then explains how these measures are faring since the 2008 crisis, why the money supply hasn´t exploded, and how the banking system was saved.

John expands his analysis to the wider US economy before Felix questions him about his view on gold. His long-term prognosis is stability for the metal as a store of wealth, instability for the currency and frightening inflation levels.

This podcast was recorded on 27 June 2013.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Production Slowdowns in Mining Gold & Silver (David Morgan)

In this interview with Ellis Martin, David Morgan of http://www.themorganreport.com discusses the temporary suspension of operations of a silver producer based on the cost of production being at par or higher with the price of silver per ounce. With many producers geared up for $30 an ounce silver, $19 remains a challenge for some. However, companies with lower production costs and near producers running a tight budget are seeing light....even as majors like Barrick Gold are pulling back. Ellis Martin also criticizes the pundits, who incorrectly sold a bull market for gold at a wishful $2500 an ounce in 2012.

Gold Gets Clean Slate ~ Phil Streible

Gold will get a new look in Q3 as traders wipe the slate clean after the metal's miserable past 3 months, says Phil Streible of RJ O'Brien.