Friday, August 23, 2013

Financial Armageddon ~ The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

The NASDAQ glitch is still under investigation, some reports are saying it is a cyber attack, other a computer malfunction and still others it was to help Apple stock. The drums are beating for the war in Syria, the US is saying that the Syrian government used chemical weapons but they are the ones who invited the UN council in to inspect for chemical weapons. According to Obama the economy is the brink of recovery and the FED will taper in the fall or early winter.

CONFIRMED: US Military Alliance Defeating Federal Reserve – by David Wilcock

Posted on August 23, 2013

Dramatic new evidence reveals that a secret alliance of US military personnel are working to expose and defeat the Federal Reserve — and the occult cabal of bankers and industrialists who run it.
The hacker group Anonymous has now gone public with its connection to the US military.
Vital new historical insights into this alliance are also presented here — for the first time in well over a decade.
More surprises are very likely to be in store. These new developments were predicted in David’s new book, now available for you to read!
Is there any hope for humanity? Or are we doomed — heading into a bottomless pit from which there is no escape?
A wealth of solid, provable evidence reveals that we are indeed on the brink of spectacular changes — for the positive.
Comprehensive new evidence has exposed a natural cycle that affects human behavior — on an individual and collective level.
This cycle is older than the Earth itself — and is written into the basic laws of space, time, matter and energy.
The positive outcome of the events we are now seeing will be generated by laws as consistent and absolute as gravity itself.

The idea of cyclical time is nothing new — but the science to prove that it is real, and how much it affects us, certainly is.
Synchronicity is not only happening in our own lives, such as through the Law of Karma. It is affecting us on a global level as well.

Karma is about to strike the planetary elite — big time. The signs of what is about to happen are becoming increasingly clear — and it will be very significant.
The full scientific case of why this will occur — and how — is laid out in The Synchronicity Key, which just debuted Tuesday, August 20th.
As it turns out, the most significant events on earth are not random. They are precisely following a script — written by a cosmic intelligence.
Life on earth is ultimately being guided by this hidden intelligence — to lead us through an individual and collective planetary awakening.
Your initial feedback has been extremely positive! After the debut, we peaked at #45 of all books on Barnes and Noble, and#60 on Amazon.

SYRIA - Chemical False Flag By Global Elite Aimed At Balkanisation Of Syria (Syrian Girl)

On this guest-packed Friday, August 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex exposes how the mainstream media may be downplaying the possible racial motivation behind recent, high-profile murders because it does not fit the media's agenda. Alex welcomes back Syrian Girl to get the latest updates on the situation in Syria. In yet another example of war propaganda, the U.S. government is now claiming that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is using chemical weapons against his own people. Alex interviews Dr. Duane Weed and Marc Messmer, the two Impeach Obama protestors arrested by police in Missouri for not leaving a public area. Dr. Christopher Busby, a British scientific advisor to the Low Level Radiation Campaign, also joins the show to discuss new developments in the Fukushima nuclear disaster. A Japanese governor has recently announced that the massive leak of radioactive water from the damaged nuclear plant is a national emergency.